
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Showing 100 (1 to 100) from total of 395932.

_ _ _ NEO SHINRA _ _ _ _ _ NEO SHINRA _ _ _ Eclipse _ _ Eclipse _ _ Fallen Angels _ _ Fallen Angels _ _ L a b i t _ _ L a b i t _ _-_FEAR_-_ _-_FEAR_-_ _-:AMD:-_ _-:AMD:-_ _-Fairy Tail-_ _-Fairy Tail-_ _-Inner Sanctum-_ _-Inner Sanctum-_ _-Lords Of Chaos-_ _-Lords Of Chaos-_ _-Play Boiz-_ _-Play Boiz-_ _-UNIQUE-_ _-UNIQUE-_ _: Don'tC9 :_ _: Don'tC9 :_ _!_ChandraCrew_!_ _!_ChandraCrew_!_ _.-._ bivouac _.-._ bivouac _.: Crafty Fools :._ _.: Crafty Fools :._ _.:-sXy-:._ _.:-sXy-:._ _...-Cat Voice-..._ _...-Cat Voice-..._ _''Sailormoon''_ _''Sailormoon''_ _0v0_ _0v0_ _1106_ _1106_ _42 _42 _82 _82 _A_ _A_ _AD_PRIME_ _AD_PRIME_ _ALL IN_ _ALL IN_ _Alter Ego z _Alter Ego z _ange_ _ange_ _Angel Heart_ _Angel Heart_ _Aquarium_ _Aquarium_ _Aquarius_ _Aquarius_ _ARAGOTO_ _ARAGOTO_ _Argonauts_ _Argonauts_ _As _As _Asgard_ _Asgard_ _Ash_ _Ash_ _AVALANCHE_ _AVALANCHE_ _Birds of a Feather_ _Birds of a Feather_ _BLACK_ _BLACK_ _Black&White_ _Black&White_ _Blackrose_ _Blackrose_ _Blank_ _Blank_ _Blanket_Mohair_ _Blanket_Mohair_ _Blossom _Blossom _Blue Forest_ _Blue Forest_ _Bocchi _Bocchi _BraveVesperia_ _BraveVesperia_ _Brightest Void_ _Brightest Void_ _but not today _but not today _Bzh_ _Bzh_ _Carpe Diem_ _Carpe Diem_ _chevalier _chevalier _Chillax_ _Chillax_ _Commando_ _Commando_ _Crescent_Moon_ _Crescent_Moon_ _Dahlia_ _Dahlia_ _Damaskusstaal_ _Damaskusstaal_ _Deus_ex_Machina_ _Deus_ex_Machina_ _Eldritch_ _Eldritch_ _Elysium_ _Elysium_ _END_RESS_STORY_ _END_RESS_STORY_ _Final_Archive_ _Final_Archive_ _Fireflies_ _Fireflies_ _Freedom_ _Freedom_ _FrostFangs_ _FrostFangs_ _Heal Diff_ _Heal Diff_ _hell _hell _HIGHWIND_ _HIGHWIND_ _I_ _I_ _i-o-!_ _i-o-!_ _Ichigo_Milk_nomukai _Ichigo_Milk_nomukai _Insomniacs_ _Insomniacs_ _INTERPLAY_ _INTERPLAY_ _Kaamelott_ _Kaamelott_ _Kingsglaive_ _Kingsglaive_ _Kitty_ _Kitty_ _Labyrinth_ _Labyrinth_ _Lifetime Casuals_ _Lifetime Casuals_ _Lone Wolf_ _Lone Wolf_ _Midnight Tempests_ _Midnight Tempests_ _Midnight_ _Midnight_ _Myth_ _Myth_ _NAMELESS _NAMELESS _Nebulas_ _Nebulas_ _Nephilim_ _Nephilim_ _Nostalgia_ _Nostalgia_ _Nyx_Fortuna_ _Nyx_Fortuna_ _Ouroboros_ _Ouroboros_ _OZ_ _OZ_ _Panda_ _Panda_ _party_party _party_party _Pigpen_ _Pigpen_ _QC-SHINRA_ _QC-SHINRA_ _Re...._ _Re...._ _Reunion_ _Reunion_ _Revenant_ _Revenant_ _Rg_ _Rg_ _S2_Buddies_S2_ _S2_Buddies_S2_ _Scions and Sinners_ _Scions and Sinners_ _Servitude_ _Servitude_ _Sky-Flower _ _Sky-Flower _