
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Showing 100 (680301 to 680400) from total of 685160.

  1. 680301. Lanark Blastwind Lanark Blastwind
    20 points20
  2. 680302. Lance Kibee Lance Kibee
    20 points20
  3. 680303. Landor Valefor Landor Valefor
    20 points20
  4. 680304. Lapis Lazwards Lapis Lazwards
    20 points20
  5. 680305. Lareine Kaggra Lareine Kaggra
    20 points20
  6. 680306. Lasuna Hime Lasuna Hime
    20 points20
  7. 680307. Lazy On Lazy On
    20 points20
  8. 680308. Le Chiot Le Chiot
    20 points20
  9. 680309. Le'throth Keywing Le'throth Keywing
    20 points20
  10. 680310. Leandra Lavender Leandra Lavender
    20 points20
  11. 680311. Leifr Ichimaru Leifr Ichimaru
    20 points20
  12. 680312. Leinad Greywolf Leinad Greywolf
    20 points20
  13. 680313. Leliana Faulkner Leliana Faulkner
    20 points20
  14. 680314. Leo Highwind Leo Highwind
    20 points20
  15. 680315. Leon Strong Leon Strong
    20 points20
  16. 680316. Leto Atreides Leto Atreides
    20 points20
  17. 680317. Lexi Morgana Lexi Morgana
    20 points20
  18. 680318. Liam Wolf Liam Wolf
    20 points20
  19. 680319. Liina Phoenixx Liina Phoenixx
    20 points20
  20. 680320. Lil Broomstick Lil Broomstick
    20 points20
  21. 680321. Lilith Evanescence Lilith Evanescence
    20 points20
  22. 680322. Lilith Shadowtail Lilith Shadowtail
    20 points20
  23. 680323. Lilli Lott Lilli Lott
    20 points20
  24. 680324. Lily Fly Lily Fly
    20 points20
  25. 680325. Lily Sora Lily Sora
    20 points20
  26. 680326. Lina Inver Lina Inver
    20 points20
  27. 680327. Lion Ooooo Lion Ooooo
    20 points20
  28. 680328. Liremito Alefgard Liremito Alefgard
    20 points20
  29. 680329. Lirus Katsuro Lirus Katsuro
    20 points20
  30. 680330. Lissla Sormr Lissla Sormr
    20 points20
  31. 680331. Lizzie Grant Lizzie Grant
    20 points20
  32. 680332. Llowef Eolynn Llowef Eolynn
    20 points20
  33. 680333. Lolcat Madkitty Lolcat Madkitty
    20 points20
  34. 680334. Lordan Schattenwind Lordan Schattenwind
    20 points20
  35. 680335. Love Links Love Links
    20 points20
  36. 680336. Lover Bunny Lover Bunny
    20 points20
  37. 680337. Lu Nya Lu Nya
    20 points20
  38. 680338. Lucied Rizer Lucied Rizer
    20 points20
  39. 680339. Lucy Strauss Lucy Strauss
    20 points20
  40. 680340. Lumberjack Woodswain Lumberjack Woodswain
    20 points20
  41. 680341. Lynn Vianette Lynn Vianette
    20 points20
  42. 680342. M'welhi Kreht M'welhi Kreht
    20 points20
  43. 680343. Machi Rokuyari Machi Rokuyari
    20 points20
  44. 680344. Madam Io Madam Io
    20 points20
  45. 680345. Mai Song Mai Song
    20 points20
  46. 680346. Makko Rauen Makko Rauen
    20 points20
  47. 680347. Makoto Kiri Makoto Kiri
    20 points20
  48. 680348. Makova Nova Makova Nova
    20 points20
  49. 680349. Malden Branch Malden Branch
    20 points20
  50. 680350. Malik Bozkurt Malik Bozkurt
    20 points20
  51. 680351. Martel Marsa Martel Marsa
    20 points20
  52. 680352. Masapon Meara Masapon Meara
    20 points20
  53. 680353. Masterkey Female Masterkey Female
    20 points20
  54. 680354. Mathieu Gemme Mathieu Gemme
    20 points20
  55. 680355. Mato Kurai Mato Kurai
    20 points20
  56. 680356. Mayze Shofa Mayze Shofa
    20 points20
  57. 680357. Maz Witz Maz Witz
    20 points20
  58. 680358. Maza Zin Maza Zin
    20 points20
  59. 680359. Melry Nylen Melry Nylen
    20 points20
  60. 680360. Meow Mixx Meow Mixx
    20 points20
  61. 680361. Merovech Votha Merovech Votha
    20 points20
  62. 680362. Messer Ezio Messer Ezio
    20 points20
  63. 680363. Meteor Griffin Meteor Griffin
    20 points20
  64. 680364. Mi Yoon Mi Yoon
    20 points20
  65. 680365. Midnight Frostysprite Midnight Frostysprite
    20 points20
  66. 680366. Miharu Venus Miharu Venus
    20 points20
  67. 680367. Mike Ross Mike Ross
    20 points20
  68. 680368. Mini Telamont Mini Telamont
    20 points20
  69. 680369. Minimumpisaron Teioh Minimumpisaron Teioh
    20 points20
  70. 680370. Mirshan Tolska Mirshan Tolska
    20 points20
  71. 680371. Misha Xao Misha Xao
    20 points20
  72. 680372. Miss Kim Miss Kim
    20 points20
  73. 680373. Mistral Kurokawa Mistral Kurokawa
    20 points20
  74. 680374. Mizuki Zelpher Mizuki Zelpher
    20 points20
  75. 680375. Modest Ant Modest Ant
    20 points20
  76. 680376. Mogey Bear Mogey Bear
    20 points20
  77. 680377. Mokey Mokey Mokey Mokey
    20 points20
  78. 680378. Momo Hyuga Momo Hyuga
    20 points20
  79. 680379. Momo Koshka Momo Koshka
    20 points20
  80. 680380. Monchi Erebos Monchi Erebos
    20 points20
  81. 680381. Mosh Pit Mosh Pit
    20 points20
  82. 680382. Mr Verg Mr Verg
    20 points20
  83. 680383. Mystic Tia Mystic Tia
    20 points20
  84. 680384. Nahaara Sunblade Nahaara Sunblade
    20 points20
  85. 680385. Nami Suke Nami Suke
    20 points20
  86. 680386. Nao Ankoro Nao Ankoro
    20 points20
  87. 680387. Naochan Gotoku Naochan Gotoku
    20 points20
  88. 680388. Narxus Emiya Narxus Emiya
    20 points20
  89. 680389. Nathalia Lunaleska Nathalia Lunaleska
    20 points20
  90. 680390. Navy Quatresaisons Navy Quatresaisons
    20 points20
  91. 680391. Nayo Phonikias Nayo Phonikias
    20 points20
  92. 680392. Negro Kgas Negro Kgas
    20 points20
  93. 680393. Neko Uma Neko Uma
    20 points20
  94. 680394. Nero Crusnik Nero Crusnik
    20 points20
  95. 680395. Nero Highwind Nero Highwind
    20 points20
  96. 680396. Nevaeh Omadara Nevaeh Omadara
    20 points20
  97. 680397. Ni Er Ni Er
    20 points20
  98. 680398. Nice Shot Nice Shot
    20 points20
  99. 680399. Nick Tukker Nick Tukker
    20 points20
  100. 680400. Nicki Cat Nicki Cat
    20 points20