
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Showing 100 (681401 to 681500) from total of 683437.

  1. 681401. Furleo Maverick Furleo Maverick
    5 points5
  2. 681402. Futuraa Tilmitt Futuraa Tilmitt
    5 points5
  3. 681403. Fuzyl Kesuzyl Fuzyl Kesuzyl
    5 points5
  4. 681404. Fyarr Sigma Fyarr Sigma
    5 points5
  5. 681405. G'konnala Ndai G'konnala Ndai
    5 points5
  6. 681406. Gaberial Kennedy Gaberial Kennedy
    5 points5
  7. 681407. Gabriel Barriga Gabriel Barriga
    5 points5
  8. 681408. Gaius Novemus Gaius Novemus
    5 points5
  9. 681409. Galean Balerion Galean Balerion
    5 points5
  10. 681410. Garana Garana Garana Garana
    5 points5
  11. 681411. Garden Griffin Garden Griffin
    5 points5
  12. 681412. Garnet Alexandros Garnet Alexandros
    5 points5
  13. 681413. Gart Bismark Gart Bismark
    5 points5
  14. 681414. Garu Gaminga Garu Gaminga
    5 points5
  15. 681415. Gaspar Melquisedec Gaspar Melquisedec
    5 points5
  16. 681416. Gatto Grigio Gatto Grigio
    5 points5
  17. 681417. Gavin Guile Gavin Guile
    5 points5
  18. 681418. Geeky Panda Geeky Panda
    5 points5
  19. 681419. Genesis Yukio Genesis Yukio
    5 points5
  20. 681420. Geneva Slance Geneva Slance
    5 points5
  21. 681421. Geralt Sun Geralt Sun
    5 points5
  22. 681422. Gerbold Pig Gerbold Pig
    5 points5
  23. 681423. Gethanic Amos Gethanic Amos
    5 points5
  24. 681424. Ghislain Talos Ghislain Talos
    5 points5
  25. 681425. Giga Doo Giga Doo
    5 points5
  26. 681426. Gilarus Nasharr Gilarus Nasharr
    5 points5
  27. 681427. Gilgam Dradzdre Gilgam Dradzdre
    5 points5
  28. 681428. Gilles Celesse Gilles Celesse
    5 points5
  29. 681429. Ging Freecss Ging Freecss
    5 points5
  30. 681430. Gioker Hellguard Gioker Hellguard
    5 points5
  31. 681431. Glaia Era Glaia Era
    5 points5
  32. 681432. God Smacked God Smacked
    5 points5
  33. 681433. Godric Vampyr Godric Vampyr
    5 points5
  34. 681434. Godrik Landoes Godrik Landoes
    5 points5
  35. 681435. Gogo Veniyamin Gogo Veniyamin
    5 points5
  36. 681436. Gohan San Gohan San
    5 points5
  37. 681437. Gohan Uchiha Gohan Uchiha
    5 points5
  38. 681438. Goldhart Freaklord Goldhart Freaklord
    5 points5
  39. 681439. Goldtaetzchen Miqote Goldtaetzchen Miqote
    5 points5
  40. 681440. Gonraz Cawor Gonraz Cawor
    5 points5
  41. 681441. Gonzo Gonzo Gonzo Gonzo
    5 points5
  42. 681442. Gotcha Hard Gotcha Hard
    5 points5
  43. 681443. Grae Dahl Grae Dahl
    5 points5
  44. 681444. Graham Wells Graham Wells
    5 points5
  45. 681445. Grandmagus Jordan Grandmagus Jordan
    5 points5
  46. 681446. Grant Partridge Grant Partridge
    5 points5
  47. 681447. Green Smoke Green Smoke
    5 points5
  48. 681448. Greeve Capricous Greeve Capricous
    5 points5
  49. 681449. Greg Thedude Greg Thedude
    5 points5
  50. 681450. Gregh Darren Gregh Darren
    5 points5
  51. 681451. Gregory Karuso Gregory Karuso
    5 points5
  52. 681452. Grey'dan Tenash Grey'dan Tenash
    5 points5
  53. 681453. Greyhorn Strumwind Greyhorn Strumwind
    5 points5
  54. 681454. Gridcast Gridnard Gridcast Gridnard
    5 points5
  55. 681455. Griffin Davenport Griffin Davenport
    5 points5
  56. 681456. Griffin Dore Griffin Dore
    5 points5
  57. 681457. Grimhild Staedtler Grimhild Staedtler
    5 points5
  58. 681458. Grimoir Servetus Grimoir Servetus
    5 points5
  59. 681459. Grimreaper Mk Grimreaper Mk
    5 points5
  60. 681460. Grish Grish Grish Grish
    5 points5
  61. 681461. Grixxus Nautila Grixxus Nautila
    5 points5
  62. 681462. Gugg Ned Gugg Ned
    5 points5
  63. 681463. Guildarts Clive Guildarts Clive
    5 points5
  64. 681464. Guillaume Rayleigh Guillaume Rayleigh
    5 points5
  65. 681465. Gunga Zorah Gunga Zorah
    5 points5
  66. 681466. Gunjou Color Gunjou Color
    5 points5
  67. 681467. Gunnar Brown Gunnar Brown
    5 points5
  68. 681468. Gustavain Rochedalaix Gustavain Rochedalaix
    5 points5
  69. 681469. Gustavus Wolfgang Gustavus Wolfgang
    5 points5
  70. 681470. Guyug Noykin Guyug Noykin
    5 points5
  71. 681471. Gwenyth Melchoir Gwenyth Melchoir
    5 points5
  72. 681472. Gygaru Leonis Gygaru Leonis
    5 points5
  73. 681473. H'xin Pajara H'xin Pajara
    5 points5
  74. 681474. Hadassah Reizen Hadassah Reizen
    5 points5
  75. 681475. Hadre Soilanteaux Hadre Soilanteaux
    5 points5
  76. 681476. Haikili Inazuma Haikili Inazuma
    5 points5
  77. 681477. Haiku Sin Haiku Sin
    5 points5
  78. 681478. Hairy Potter Hairy Potter
    5 points5
  79. 681479. Hakatano Shio Hakatano Shio
    5 points5
  80. 681480. Hal Bird Hal Bird
    5 points5
  81. 681481. Hampster Asura Hampster Asura
    5 points5
  82. 681482. Hanamiti Sakuragi Hanamiti Sakuragi
    5 points5
  83. 681483. Hanh Eltrix Hanh Eltrix
    5 points5
  84. 681484. Hansel Mouse Hansel Mouse
    5 points5
  85. 681485. Hartania Nightmare Hartania Nightmare
    5 points5
  86. 681486. Harunobu Takeda Harunobu Takeda
    5 points5
  87. 681487. Hashi Gen Hashi Gen
    5 points5
  88. 681488. Hasya Gilmore Hasya Gilmore
    5 points5
  89. 681489. Hatimico Soramai Hatimico Soramai
    5 points5
  90. 681490. Hatori Hanzo Hatori Hanzo
    5 points5
  91. 681491. Heal Urself Heal Urself
    5 points5
  92. 681492. Hector Uzumaki Hector Uzumaki
    5 points5
  93. 681493. Heegs Fellowes Heegs Fellowes
    5 points5
  94. 681494. Heimdal Gresven Heimdal Gresven
    5 points5
  95. 681495. Hel Mytt Hel Mytt
    5 points5
  96. 681496. Helios Khi'dari Helios Khi'dari
    5 points5
  97. 681497. Hellfalcon Ali Hellfalcon Ali
    5 points5
  98. 681498. Hellfire Rush Hellfire Rush
    5 points5
  99. 681499. Hemolymphi Hemolymphi Hemolymphi Hemolymphi
    5 points5
  100. 681500. Hermes Trismegistus Hermes Trismegistus
    5 points5