
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Showing 100 (684101 to 684200) from total of 685152.

  1. 684101. Nuyi Awaji Nuyi Awaji
    5 points5
  2. 684102. Nyan Pon Nyan Pon
    5 points5
  3. 684103. O'jin Saarim O'jin Saarim
    5 points5
  4. 684104. Oakley Black Oakley Black
    5 points5
  5. 684105. Ocelot Revolver Ocelot Revolver
    5 points5
  6. 684106. Ocivia Vypop Ocivia Vypop
    5 points5
  7. 684107. Ocray Hellborn Ocray Hellborn
    5 points5
  8. 684108. Octavel Archevauliere Octavel Archevauliere
    5 points5
  9. 684109. Odesia Scylaceus Odesia Scylaceus
    5 points5
  10. 684110. Odette Cygneblanc Odette Cygneblanc
    5 points5
  11. 684111. Odeve Montorgains Odeve Montorgains
    5 points5
  12. 684112. Odi Hasz Odi Hasz
    5 points5
  13. 684113. Odibrand Horne Odibrand Horne
    5 points5
  14. 684114. Odin Dorne Odin Dorne
    5 points5
  15. 684115. Odin Fire Odin Fire
    5 points5
  16. 684116. Odin Grimhildi Odin Grimhildi
    5 points5
  17. 684117. Odin Kyubi Odin Kyubi
    5 points5
  18. 684118. Ofrina Risor Ofrina Risor
    5 points5
  19. 684119. Okkun Zzzz Okkun Zzzz
    5 points5
  20. 684120. Old Macdonald Old Macdonald
    5 points5
  21. 684121. Oldaric Aurifort Oldaric Aurifort
    5 points5
  22. 684122. Olesia Queen Olesia Queen
    5 points5
  23. 684123. Olga Smyts Olga Smyts
    5 points5
  24. 684124. Olyverd Winsome Olyverd Winsome
    5 points5
  25. 684125. Omar Gtyry Omar Gtyry
    5 points5
  26. 684126. Ominous Panda Ominous Panda
    5 points5
  27. 684127. One Blood One Blood
    5 points5
  28. 684128. Oni Kuro Oni Kuro
    5 points5
  29. 684129. Oni Tenyu Oni Tenyu
    5 points5
  30. 684130. Opalia Gainsborough Opalia Gainsborough
    5 points5
  31. 684131. Opeth Akerfelt Opeth Akerfelt
    5 points5
  32. 684132. Opie Ocelot Opie Ocelot
    5 points5
  33. 684133. Ore Deluxe Ore Deluxe
    5 points5
  34. 684134. Orestes Musa Orestes Musa
    5 points5
  35. 684135. Ori Jun Ori Jun
    5 points5
  36. 684136. Orias Voldaman Orias Voldaman
    5 points5
  37. 684137. Orieldis Brand Orieldis Brand
    5 points5
  38. 684138. Orisic Weaver Orisic Weaver
    5 points5
  39. 684139. Orkainus Maigelight Orkainus Maigelight
    5 points5
  40. 684140. Ormous Yorrick Ormous Yorrick
    5 points5
  41. 684141. Orutega Okoso Orutega Okoso
    5 points5
  42. 684142. Oscarlet Bontensont Oscarlet Bontensont
    5 points5
  43. 684143. Osha Leslie Osha Leslie
    5 points5
  44. 684144. Oshawa Mewrilah Oshawa Mewrilah
    5 points5
  45. 684145. Ostrythe North Ostrythe North
    5 points5
  46. 684146. Oswald Elias Oswald Elias
    5 points5
  47. 684147. Oswald Ringford Oswald Ringford
    5 points5
  48. 684148. Otheon Ky'nair Otheon Ky'nair
    5 points5
  49. 684149. Otherlife Guado Otherlife Guado
    5 points5
  50. 684150. Otoko Niyari Otoko Niyari
    5 points5
  51. 684151. Otomo Yan Otomo Yan
    5 points5
  52. 684152. Outworld Entity Outworld Entity
    5 points5
  53. 684153. Ovarian Barbarian Ovarian Barbarian
    5 points5
  54. 684154. Owd Git Owd Git
    5 points5
  55. 684155. Owlz Thegreat Owlz Thegreat
    5 points5
  56. 684156. Oyaman King Oyaman King
    5 points5
  57. 684157. Oyazi Misozi Oyazi Misozi
    5 points5
  58. 684158. Oz Spawner Oz Spawner
    5 points5
  59. 684159. Pablo Picasso Pablo Picasso
    5 points5
  60. 684160. Pagu San Pagu San
    5 points5
  61. 684161. Pain Augury Pain Augury
    5 points5
  62. 684162. Paine Toyoguchi Paine Toyoguchi
    5 points5
  63. 684163. Pallas Athena Pallas Athena
    5 points5
  64. 684164. Pandaer Silverwater Pandaer Silverwater
    5 points5
  65. 684165. Pandara Junsu Pandara Junsu
    5 points5
  66. 684166. Pandora Littlefoot Pandora Littlefoot
    5 points5
  67. 684167. Pandox Wolfgrim Pandox Wolfgrim
    5 points5
  68. 684168. Panndita Stars Panndita Stars
    5 points5
  69. 684169. Pants Metal Pants Metal
    5 points5
  70. 684170. Papas West Papas West
    5 points5
  71. 684171. Papaye Tawute Papaye Tawute
    5 points5
  72. 684172. Parcemel Chamberliaux Parcemel Chamberliaux
    5 points5
  73. 684173. Parien Gray Parien Gray
    5 points5
  74. 684174. Parum Porum Parum Porum
    5 points5
  75. 684175. Pat Mccrotch Pat Mccrotch
    5 points5
  76. 684176. Patrick Godmode Patrick Godmode
    5 points5
  77. 684177. Patrick Mahome Patrick Mahome
    5 points5
  78. 684178. Paul Bunyan Paul Bunyan
    5 points5
  79. 684179. Paul Sakura Paul Sakura
    5 points5
  80. 684180. Pauo'lin Asteria Pauo'lin Asteria
    5 points5
  81. 684181. Payne Aerico Payne Aerico
    5 points5
  82. 684182. Pchan Onan Pchan Onan
    5 points5
  83. 684183. Pe Ell Pe Ell
    5 points5
  84. 684184. Peace Duke Peace Duke
    5 points5
  85. 684185. Peaceconcord Relina Peaceconcord Relina
    5 points5
  86. 684186. Peenpeen Littlefoot Peenpeen Littlefoot
    5 points5
  87. 684187. Peko Naka Peko Naka
    5 points5
  88. 684188. Pen Pen Pen Pen
    5 points5
  89. 684189. Penelo Lolo Penelo Lolo
    5 points5
  90. 684190. Pepe Lepew Pepe Lepew
    5 points5
  91. 684191. Peri Winkle Peri Winkle
    5 points5
  92. 684192. Perilous Kitty Perilous Kitty
    5 points5
  93. 684193. Persephone Kingsbane Persephone Kingsbane
    5 points5
  94. 684194. Pesh Inator Pesh Inator
    5 points5
  95. 684195. Peter Zander Peter Zander
    5 points5
  96. 684196. Pew Pewpew Pew Pewpew
    5 points5
  97. 684197. Pewpew Ranger Pewpew Ranger
    5 points5
  98. 684198. Phake Baralius Phake Baralius
    5 points5
  99. 684199. Phaylan Starwyn Phaylan Starwyn
    5 points5
  100. 684200. Pheeb Aszhine Pheeb Aszhine
    5 points5