
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Showing 100 (686901 to 687000) from total of 687565.

  1. 686901. Scarface Thefirst Scarface Thefirst
    5 points5
  2. 686902. Schweidy'a Maimhov Schweidy'a Maimhov
    5 points5
  3. 686903. Scooter Menphina Scooter Menphina
    5 points5
  4. 686904. Scrotie Mcboogerballz Scrotie Mcboogerballz
    5 points5
  5. 686905. Seala Cast Seala Cast
    5 points5
  6. 686906. Seamus Vancleef Seamus Vancleef
    5 points5
  7. 686907. Sedo Kun Sedo Kun
    5 points5
  8. 686908. Sei'rel Laprieu Sei'rel Laprieu
    5 points5
  9. 686909. Seikun Kuro Seikun Kuro
    5 points5
  10. 686910. Sejya Isan Sejya Isan
    5 points5
  11. 686911. Sekira Ubica Sekira Ubica
    5 points5
  12. 686912. Sel Riamos Sel Riamos
    5 points5
  13. 686913. Selaine Dechamberre Selaine Dechamberre
    5 points5
  14. 686914. Selkeira Lightwind Selkeira Lightwind
    5 points5
  15. 686915. Seloan Levy Seloan Levy
    5 points5
  16. 686916. Senkaohanzee Gethen Senkaohanzee Gethen
    5 points5
  17. 686917. Seraja Hiyakutage Seraja Hiyakutage
    5 points5
  18. 686918. Seraphina Chala Seraphina Chala
    5 points5
  19. 686919. Seredin Loremaster Seredin Loremaster
    5 points5
  20. 686920. Sereen Kilor Sereen Kilor
    5 points5
  21. 686921. Serene Dreams Serene Dreams
    5 points5
  22. 686922. Serenity Amnell Serenity Amnell
    5 points5
  23. 686923. Serenity Evermore Serenity Evermore
    5 points5
  24. 686924. Seresia Lynn Seresia Lynn
    5 points5
  25. 686925. Sergy Default Sergy Default
    5 points5
  26. 686926. Seri Dagua Seri Dagua
    5 points5
  27. 686927. Seria Inginsson Seria Inginsson
    5 points5
  28. 686928. Serious Fix Serious Fix
    5 points5
  29. 686929. Serj Bj Serj Bj
    5 points5
  30. 686930. Serky Knight Serky Knight
    5 points5
  31. 686931. Seseda Seda Seseda Seda
    5 points5
  32. 686932. Seseyao Fuyao Seseyao Fuyao
    5 points5
  33. 686933. Sesil Harvey Sesil Harvey
    5 points5
  34. 686934. Sesshi Shieldwall Sesshi Shieldwall
    5 points5
  35. 686935. Seth Caplack Seth Caplack
    5 points5
  36. 686936. Seth Davis Seth Davis
    5 points5
  37. 686937. Setsuka Usagi Setsuka Usagi
    5 points5
  38. 686938. Severn Kaze Severn Kaze
    5 points5
  39. 686939. Sevryn Sha Sevryn Sha
    5 points5
  40. 686940. Seyphi Jenova Seyphi Jenova
    5 points5
  41. 686941. Seytas Strongshield Seytas Strongshield
    5 points5
  42. 686942. Shaded Luck Shaded Luck
    5 points5
  43. 686943. Shader Starzinger Shader Starzinger
    5 points5
  44. 686944. Shadow Bahamut Shadow Bahamut
    5 points5
  45. 686945. Shadow Barrage Shadow Barrage
    5 points5
  46. 686946. Shadow Fall Shadow Fall
    5 points5
  47. 686947. Shae Finedrall Shae Finedrall
    5 points5
  48. 686948. Shaina Nai Shaina Nai
    5 points5
  49. 686949. Shaktor Darkbane Shaktor Darkbane
    5 points5
  50. 686950. Shakugan Shana Shakugan Shana
    5 points5
  51. 686951. Shally Anne Shally Anne
    5 points5
  52. 686952. Shana Feld Shana Feld
    5 points5
  53. 686953. Shaney Elesia Shaney Elesia
    5 points5
  54. 686954. Shantatto Sylaphine Shantatto Sylaphine
    5 points5
  55. 686955. Sharkie Crimsonone Sharkie Crimsonone
    5 points5
  56. 686956. Shaw Talonwar Shaw Talonwar
    5 points5
  57. 686957. Shaylee Calaelen Shaylee Calaelen
    5 points5
  58. 686958. Shazlar Kayexi Shazlar Kayexi
    5 points5
  59. 686959. Shear Knife Shear Knife
    5 points5
  60. 686960. Sheina Prime Sheina Prime
    5 points5
  61. 686961. Shel Shelln Shel Shelln
    5 points5
  62. 686962. Shellie Mayn Shellie Mayn
    5 points5
  63. 686963. Shepard Steinman Shepard Steinman
    5 points5
  64. 686964. Sherry Noble Sherry Noble
    5 points5
  65. 686965. Sheyd Ayo Sheyd Ayo
    5 points5
  66. 686966. Shifty Peepants Shifty Peepants
    5 points5
  67. 686967. Shindora Ragebane Shindora Ragebane
    5 points5
  68. 686968. Shinmei Sakura Shinmei Sakura
    5 points5
  69. 686969. Shino Shino Shino Shino
    5 points5
  70. 686970. Shinobuhi Rs Shinobuhi Rs
    5 points5
  71. 686971. Shinojinx Aburame Shinojinx Aburame
    5 points5
  72. 686972. Shio Eio Shio Eio
    5 points5
  73. 686973. Shiori Yotuba Shiori Yotuba
    5 points5
  74. 686974. Shiraha Olathsaruk Shiraha Olathsaruk
    5 points5
  75. 686975. Shiroe Stratos Shiroe Stratos
    5 points5
  76. 686976. Shiroyama Nakata Shiroyama Nakata
    5 points5
  77. 686977. Shisei Leviathan Shisei Leviathan
    5 points5
  78. 686978. Shiuelfu Sho Shiuelfu Sho
    5 points5
  79. 686979. Shivanii Keeler Shivanii Keeler
    5 points5
  80. 686980. Shiza Cloudjumper Shiza Cloudjumper
    5 points5
  81. 686981. Shorrt Rownd Shorrt Rownd
    5 points5
  82. 686982. Shosh Warman Shosh Warman
    5 points5
  83. 686983. Shu Shuragi Shu Shuragi
    5 points5
  84. 686984. Shueiki Lionheart Shueiki Lionheart
    5 points5
  85. 686985. Sibold Syvinborn Sibold Syvinborn
    5 points5
  86. 686986. Siegfried Frederick Siegfried Frederick
    5 points5
  87. 686987. Sievca Mordu Sievca Mordu
    5 points5
  88. 686988. Sigareta Marlboro Sigareta Marlboro
    5 points5
  89. 686989. Siinistyre Laharl Siinistyre Laharl
    5 points5
  90. 686990. Siki Tosa Siki Tosa
    5 points5
  91. 686991. Silentt Koopa Silentt Koopa
    5 points5
  92. 686992. Siliciumboy Lebogoss Siliciumboy Lebogoss
    5 points5
  93. 686993. Silver Blade Silver Blade
    5 points5
  94. 686994. Silver Perth Silver Perth
    5 points5
  95. 686995. Silvia Arlwright Silvia Arlwright
    5 points5
  96. 686996. Silvino Diaz Silvino Diaz
    5 points5
  97. 686997. Sinister Nakiro Sinister Nakiro
    5 points5
  98. 686998. Sinres Tharen Sinres Tharen
    5 points5
  99. 686999. Sio Musubi Sio Musubi
    5 points5
  100. 687000. Sir Dacloud Sir Dacloud
    5 points5