
Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square EnixSquare Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official LodestoneLodestone with special Githubparser.

Service has an official Lodestone Forumthread on Lodestone forum.

Showing 100 (9201 to 9300) from total of 13186.

Regulators Regulators Reguluscats Reguluscats Reign of Terror Reign of Terror Reign of Titans Reign of Titans Reign's Ravagers Reign's Ravagers Rekt Rekt REKT REKT Relapsed Relapsed Reliqua Reliqua Rem is best girl Rem is best girl Rem Lazar Rem Lazar Remake GoThrones Remake GoThrones Remembering Khada Remembering Khada Rename your PvP team Rename your PvP team rename- rename- Renaud Rangers Renaud Rangers Renegade Soul Renegade Soul Renegados Renegados Renkon no tenpura Renkon no tenpura Rennrouladen Rennrouladen rennsyuuPT rennsyuuPT renquiaim renquiaim REOA REOA Repetitive Repetitive Repliforce Repliforce Reploid Force Reploid Force Reprisal Reprisal Reprisal? Reprisal? Republic of Bastok Republic of Bastok Republic of Bastok Republic of Bastok REQSO REQSO Requiem of a Banana Requiem of a Banana Requiem of Blood Requiem of Blood Resolution Resolution Respawn Respawn Respekt Kontent Respekt Kontent Results May Vary Results May Vary Resurgence Resurgence Resurgence Resurgence Resurrect Harambe Resurrect Harambe Retired FL Players Retired FL Players Retired Griefers Retired Griefers Reunion Theory Reunion Theory Reve Bleu Reve Bleu Reve Choco Reve Choco Reve Choco Reve Choco Revelation Revelation Revelations Revelations Revelry Revelry Revelry Commenced Revelry Commenced Revels Pick Up Team Revels Pick Up Team Revenant Winx Revenant Winx REVENGA REVENGA Revergansa Revergansa Reveries Reveries Revert PvP Revert PvP revolver revolver reward incentive reward incentive Rey Rey RFS RFS RGBK RGBK RGBK RGBK RGNK RGNK RHAGL RHAGL Rhals Secret LP Team Rhals Secret LP Team rhapsotest rhapsotest Rhaya's Team Rhaya's Team Rheeses pieces Rheeses pieces RHNG RHNG Ribbit to the Limit! Ribbit to the Limit! Ricardo Milo's Ricardo Milo's Rice Rice Rice and Beans Rice and Beans Rice Bread Rice Bread Rice-chans Rice-chans RICEandCANDY. RICEandCANDY. Riceman with okome's Riceman with okome's richard mei richard mei Riders on the storm Riders on the storm Ridonkulus Ridonkulus Riel Riel Riggy's Friends Riggy's Friends Riichi Stars Riichi Stars Rimechururuun Rimechururuun Rin Rin RindouGundan RindouGundan Rinfam Garden Rinfam Garden ring fit club ring fit club rinji rinji rinnsamasinneitai rinnsamasinneitai rinnsamasinneitai rinnsamasinneitai Rinse_and_Repeat Rinse_and_Repeat Rinzler doesnt care Rinzler doesnt care Rio's Bois Rio's Bois RiotForce6 RiotForce6 RIP RIP Rip au pire Rip au pire RIP Battlerite RIP Battlerite RIPpchen RIPpchen RIPSweets RIPSweets