Episode 3:
This episode sure was quite darker than previous, but not dark enough. Probably because of Elaine herself and that' why I will be dropping this anime.
You see, this is an anthology, in essence. Only the 1st episode bared any "overall plot". While I do not dislike anthologies (I like Black Mirror, Into The Dark, Room 401, for example), in this case there is one major flaw for me: forcing a certain character in.
I am fine with forcing a certain place, like with Room 401, where all stories take place in that room. It forces a location, that can be made to work for you. I mean, motel room is motel room, nothing special about it. Forcing a character in forces a certain perception of the events though.
Yes, in this episode Elaine was more of a bystander, but she still had reactions, she had memories of similar stories she heard/read, and thus she had emotions, her own thoughts. If this was just 1 episode with Elaine narrating it - that could work (I think Black Mirror had some episode with narrator), since you hear a story and then move on. Even if she was always the narrator for all the stories - that's cool too, I think Tales From The Crypt had that approach.
But narrator is not exactly a character. He may have his thoughts on the events, but is generally impartial to them. Here, though... You have narrator actively play a part, albeit small one. And the character will not change much if at all during the whole show. Meaning, that there will always be some kind of bias from Elaine's perspective.
I can't live with that. The show in general is not bad, it has good art and decent CGI even. But I do not want to be told how to feel about a story by the "narrator", even if that's not her goal.