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There are quite a few things, that do not make sense even from sci-fi perspective.

Military is strict, because despite huge money going into it, it still has limited resources. Loss of a drone will be a huge headache even in time of war. Perhaps even more so in the time of war. It is very possible, that respective handles can get penalized even, depending on the circumstances and internal review processes.

If there are drones already and even some devices to directly output remote audio to your brain... Why are there no cameras being used? And voice control to simplify giving orders? You do NOT need a human in the drone. There will never be a reason for that, while there is a mandatory requirement to have remote connection (and having a handler IS that requirement). And even then, drones can have some autonomy. Real life military is looking into this approach, instead of remote controlling people, because even though drones will be expensive, it's easier to repair/upgrade them, in the long run.

Segregation showed here is also questionable. Even if we consider use of eugenics, genes responsible for hair color would not be eradicated to this level. Unless some mix of genes resulted in fast graying hair, but then we would see children with other hair colors, and there were civilian children and they had same color as adults. And then, even if this was eugenics, why are the military eating artificial food? To reduce potential negative affects from real one? But should eugenics then handle that beforehand?

All in all, while I am curious how they will explain the the segregation and what's happening with Undertaker, the above will be bugging me to no end... And thus, since I already have a lot to watch (and not only)... Even though the art is quite good... Bye-bye.