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Somehow of the new season anime I've watched so far I liked this one the most. And I am not that much into slice of life genre. But it was consistent, it had good dynamics, it felt "personal" and relatable, was reasonably funny and very cute. There were a few "tentative" (or exaggerated) moments, but overall I did enjoy it.



Episode 2:

I do like Kitagawa. I am not talking about looks, but the character so far. Earnest about what she likes and willing to find a way to... "honor" a piece of art. Not "shy" unnecessarily, but also not that aggressive. More like a bit oblivious about sexes and their differences. Yet there was that very cute little moment, that showed, that she is not always oblivious. Just adorable. Would not mind a waifu like that. Oh, wait. I do have one. Thr biggest difference is boobs' size, but I am more of a buttman myself, so that's fine. Lucky me.



Episode 3:


So he really is into dolls, if he asked one to look away...



Episode 4:

Not good mental practice to "tough it out/through" because you want to see someone smile: it may sound selfish, but you do need to take care of yourself first. If I was Gojo I would take her offer to cook, at least.

On the other hand, while Marin is behaving selfishly, she does seem like a nice girl. She did offer help on several occasions, was truly sorry for the misunderstanding she caused... I approve.



Episode 6:

Too adorable



Episode 9:

I wonder what exactly makes that b-holder work that much better than tape-thingy?



Episode 12:

Need more