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I like the general idea of "marriage practical", but I believe the implementation (and even introduction of the practice) is not as well-thought as it could be.

  1. The locks on doors does not make much sense, even if you want to avoid anything sexual. Firstly, Japan has a relatively low age of consent, so even if they do something, if it's consensual - who cares. Secondly, they can do it in common space, but then there are cameras and/or some other devices tracking their activities, which could also be quite questionable. Thirdly, not having locks would have been a better lesson in respecting each other's privacy, which is important in relationship.
  2. This is just a test in how well you can play. They have scoring system, right? Which means they have specific criteria to add or deduct points. In which kiss on lips is +2 points. Those criteria are probably public, so if kids know them, they can just follow them, play pretend and that's it. Which will not teach them anything but how to play a role, which is a far cry from what a real relationship is.

Also, I think we all know how this will turn out with MC loving both girls and both girls loving MC and MC will have to choose.... And will choose the blond guy. Because any other choice would be too predictable.