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Not into cars or races (one of the reasons I dropped MF Ghost), but I can tell that this one is really promising. It felt way more down-to-earth, more grounded, at least 2 of the main characters had weight behind them, which was felt in their actions (despite some more goofy moments). I mean, this is a narratively good story, and I even learnt some new things. Going to continue for now, and there is a big chance, I will finish the series, unless focus pivots to cars.



Episode 4:

Damn… That’s a heavy burden to bear, that Madoka has.



Episode 5:

Whomever thought of this running episode, have not tried running barefoot on asphalt. You would need very strong socks for them to even survive, and achieving any reasonable (let alone fast) speed would result in bloody feet.



The show is over, and all the issues seem to be resolved. Or most of them at least. It was not a bad show, but I think it could have been better. In the end, it lacked "teeth". Or "edge" if you will.

They could have lean in more into psychological aspects of the characters, use darker tones. Moments that should have felt "heavy" felt relatively shallow, with their weight being told, rather than shown most of the time. It's not like you would not get the importance of those moments, but resulting resolution did not feel as satisfying, because it did not feel like there was an obstacle to begin with. Even though, on paper, characters did have serious issues, that they needed to overcome.

The racing was also lackluster. When there was any racing, that is. I am personally not that much into racing, but I know that it can be nerve-racking. It can push you into the back of your seat, even if you are just watching. Here the races were more like a showcase how good the studio can animate the cars, there was no excitement in there.

Still, overall, the show was not bad, I did learn a few things about races (no idea if I will remember them, though), but I think it should have been a movie instead. Maybe 2 hours long. It should be possible to edit it in a way that would improve overall pacing, and maybe that could, in turn, make it more exciting.