The robot is extremely annoying to me. Too fast, too hyper, too cocky, trying too much. I know they wanted to have one that would feel human, but did they have to make her into an annoying human? I do not think so. But overall, feels quite predictable already: the guy will fall for the robot, and the robot (who conveniently does not remember things) is meant to make him happy either by herself or by helping him find a girlfriend. High chances, that robot will be defunct at the end of the show.
Looks good, but nothing special besides maybe the fact that the guy has prosthetic leg, which is unusual for main protagonists. There were bits that suggested that his story may be interesting, but there was enough signs, that it will be just the fact, that he has not accepted loss of a limb, and simply finds it inconvenient. Understandable, but still not enough of a hook, that could compensate annoying robot.