Chapter 322:
Bakugo mellowed down quite abruptly. Feels rushed, IMHO.
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Chapter 322:
Bakugo mellowed down quite abruptly. Feels rushed, IMHO.
Chapter 430:
This was so weak... I mean last few chapters were weak, but this one was the weakest. No, not because there was no fighting - that's totally fine, it makes sense. It's just too... Rushed? Abrupt? It felt like this epilogue was a chore for the author. I think quite a few relationship things were not concluded properly, and it was more of "we are all greatest heroes", which was not really true. I mean, everyone had a role, yes, that's true, but not everyone was "greatest" I remember Naruto had a very good epilogue. Long, but detailed and establishing proper cannon for the future. This one is the reverse.