Either Japanese work life is completely insane or the person who wrote this has never worked in a company. Or did, and was projecting their fears. I mean, they can't really force you to move or even make you take a business trip, can they? It also would not make sense to select a random person from existing staff. I mean, selecting an existing employee - yes, it makes sense, but they need to have some skills required to managing new office. And desire to do so. Let alone, they can just hire local there, since they will need to have locals there anyway (because of legal stuff). Yes, it may not be ideal in certain regards, but still doable.
So the premise is not that believable to me, kind of forced for the sake of convenience. If I want to watch to shy people interact, I'd probably be better off rewatching Living With My Step Sister.
Also, what the hell is wrong with that bridge? The one that looks like it's cut in half? How did they cross it without literally hugging each other or, at least, letting one of them go first?