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Who would have thought that anime about persecution of Heliocentrism could be entertaining? And it is mostly talking, but dialogues are on point, they make sense, and they do show how characters are evolving through those dialogues. It is unclear how the show will continue to maintain this level of entertainment for the next 23 (apparently) episodes, but I am certainly willing to know.

And it is an interesting topic. I mean, Heliocentrism is accepted as "the norm" nowadays (unless you are a flat-earther), but it was not the case in the past. It was a real struggle, with multiple attempts to spread the knowledge. Heck, even the fact that people were able to theorize and then prove it with barely any tools, let alone ability to fly into space is just mind-blowing. This is what true science is. Give me more.



Episode 3:

I did not expect that. I thought the character would stay with us for longer. On the other hand, this may make sense if they are going for a more realistic approach.



Episode 8:

It’s a very interesting feeling I get from this show. It’s like it tickles my brain in a peculiar way. The dialogues are just so satisfying. They are like fights in… Dunno, Demon Slayer, perhaps, but with words. Every word seems to have tremendous weight, that literally changes lives and the world. I really hope they will be able to continue at this pace till the end.



Episode 9:

The show just keeps on giving. Not only did it perfectly show how difficult… nay, stressful can it be to see the truth, accept that your faith was wrong, but also - how amazing the fact that you can read these words of mine is. We do not think much about it these days, but writing and reading are, indeed, miracles. Wonder if even bigger ones than controlling fire.



Episode 12:

It bothers me for awhile now: how do they read in the dark? And how do they act as if they see in the dark at times?



Episode 14:

This is amazing. The sense of fatalism, hope, inspiration, doubt, and then a literal miracle, that characters were hoping for. Why don’t we get more shows like this?



Episode 22:


One can say that the episode did not feel "satisfying", but it certainly was fitting real life. Nowak's reaction to this kind of "resolution" makes total sense. Sometimes we literally waste our time because of a "misunderstanding".