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The premise is quite simple and in some points a bit cliched, perhaps, but 1st episode is overall good. It may turn into a generic slice-of-life of a feminist, but hopefully it will be a "good" feminist. At least, 1st episode shows promise that it will be "good". Sticking with it to see how it goes.



Episode 3:


In 3rd episode I started getting Akagame No Shirayuki vibes. Attempt at class switch, learning new things, striving for one's dream, good feminism, nice art and music, hefty doze of humor, while also touching some a bit heavier themes and not moving plot along that much. Guess will be dropping it same as Shirayuki, too. Among similar anime I think I liked Magus' Bride the best, probably because of magic and actual feeling of danger hiding behind the curtain of cute things. Like, actual risk. This one is a bit too mundane for me. Also it took Arte too long to actually ask what's she doing wrong. So much for apprenticeship...