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Scoot Patoot
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Scoot Patoot, a.k.a "Trusted Friend", is a male Au Ra of Xaela clan, registered in the database on with 10013929 for ID.

Born on 32nd Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon under protection of Llymlaen, the NavigatorLlymlaen, the Navigator.

Currently is resident of Ul'dahUl'dah, Thanalan on Gilgamesh of Aether.

Reached rank of Flame CaptainFlame Captain in Immortal Flames Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Character Name: Scoot Patoot
Nickname / Alias: Don’t even think about giving him a nickname. He hates them.
Age: Approximately ten summers old
Nameday: 32nd Sun of the First Umbral Moon (2/29)
Place of Birth: Unknown
Residence: The Goblet, Ward 2 Plot 43 (The Embrace Estate) on Gilgamesh
Occupation: Adventurer; First Lieutenant in the Immortal Flames



Height: 33 inches tall (0.84 m)
Weight: 40 lbs (18 kg)
Apparent Age: Approximately eight summers old
Clothing Sizes: Very small, even by Lalafell standards.
Clothing Choices: Typical outfits include his “Super Scoot” outfit (red mask and a caped tunic) and a Hildibrand Manderville costume. However, when duty calls he is more prone to equip brightly coloured armour or his Immortal Flames uniform. Despite his small wardrobe, Scoot does possess a sizeable amount of gil, though this is not apparent from the way he looks and acts.
Hair Color: Blond / pink
Hair Length: Short
Eye Color: Amber
Handedness: Right-handed



As a baby, Scoot was taken in by a kindly Roegadyn couple, who had never seen anyone as tiny as he was. Having been left in a small village comprised entirely of Roes, Scoot’s extremely small stature led to him being bullied and beaten. Even as others grew up and left the village or took up trades, Scoot remained tiny and the bullying continued, even by those younger than him.

It was not until an equally diminutive traveler happened by the village that Scoot decided to venture away from the place he had called home. When she saved him from being pummeled once more, little Scoot wondered how she managed to guard him. It was here that he decided to become a paladin, and the adventurer allowed him to come with her to Eorzea… provided his parents approved. She did so with the expectation that they would not agree, as she realized he was still only a child, and a Lalafell (unlike the very small Roegadyn Scoot claimed to be). However, well-intending as they were, his parents did not know better and consented when Scoot announced he wanted to adventure.

With Scoot in tow, the adventurer chose to place Scoot under the care of one of Eorzea’s largest Free Companies. Here, he might be looked after while still allowed to be fairly independent. So began the adventures of Scoot Patoot.

Very quickly, Scoot became known as a child prodigy for his combat skills, and rose through the ranks of the Immortal Flames despite his young age. However, his feats in combat have led him to see more suffering than perhaps an average child would know.


Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage45
Blue MageBlue Mage60
Dark KnightDark Knight60
Red MageRed Mage90
White MageWhite Mage80