Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official Lodestone with special parser.
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Sophia Ladislava, a.k.a "Of Untarnished Principle", is a female Hyur of Midlander clan, registered in the database on with 10149160 for ID. Had also been known under 34 other names: A'shkari Yheto, Alexandra Incendia, Alexandra Urseus, Alexandros Laureas, Alva Svartur, Ando Falando, Ashelied Vinlande, Ashfort Vinlande, Ashilda Historia, Ashkaari Kha, Ashkari Iskari, Basileu Cognitivo, Basileu Historia, Bernardetta Vangloria, Bernhardt Xarwier, Fausta Ursula, Faustus Urseus, Fufuca Fuca, Gavus Historia, Gerard Amorlande, Gerhard Historia, Gerhilde Amorland, Gerhilde Ladislava, Gerhilde Strongarm, Gerodo Amalodo, Geronimus Amorlande, Grymahtyn Historia, Grymhart Historia, Gryn Historia, Hilda Ladislava, Kototsuki Atrox, Urseus Laureas, Viris Loreknight, Vyris Hyskaris.
Born on 27th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon under protection of Halone, the Fury.
Other known incarnations:
female Au Ra of Raen, female Au Ra of Xaela, female Elezen of Duskwight, female Elezen of Wildwood, female Hrothgar of Helions, female Hyur of Highlander, female Lalafell of Dunesfolk, female Lalafell of Plainsfolk, and female Roegadyn of Sea Wolf.
Currently is resident of Ul'dah, Thanalan on Twintania of Light.
Has also been seen on
Louisoix of Chaos, Omega of Chaos, and Phoenix of Light.
Reached rank of Flame Captain in Immortal Flames Grand company.
Last interview was conducted on .
This is what adventurer had to say during it:
I shall grieve, and I shall weep. But I shall never regret.
I don't know what lead you to check me out, but I'm very easy to approach. Don't hesitate to message me :)