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Rhivryn Shaw
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Rhivryn Shaw, a.k.a "Hope's Legacy", is a male Hyur of Midlander clan, registered in the database on with 1020533 for ID.

Born on 13th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon under protection of Llymlaen, the NavigatorLlymlaen, the Navigator.

Currently is resident of Limsa LominsaLimsa Lominsa, Vylbrand on Exodus of Primal. Has also been seen on Coeurl of Crystal, and Hyperion of Primal.

Reached rank of Storm CaptainStorm Captain in Maelstrom Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Rhivryn Shaw grew up a simple farmer's son upon the rolling green slopes of Vylbrand. It was always assumed he would inherit his father's land and lot in life.
But he would be lying if he had said he did not yearn for something more, something greater, something more meaningful.

Despite all his dreaming, his twentieth year crept upon him like an unwanted creeper mold and he had nothing to show but a humble farm and a father's deteriorating health.

That day he peered to the Heavens as the sun rose upon his Nameday for the twentieth time in his life, and beseeched the great Warden, Azeyma to grant his wish of adventure. He prayed to the Navigator, Lymlaen, to grant him freedom as the wind caressed his cheeks and ruffled his hair upon the great precipices of La Noscea.

At first there was no response, as there usually was when appealing to the gods for, well . . . anything. And so Rhivryn's Nameday went by largely uneventful as it usually did.

That night a great storm assailed the coast, buffeting the cliffs and plains with a wrathful gale and a wall of splintered water.

The farm was lost to the storm and Rhivryn was hurled to the ominous Indigo Deep.

Strikingly, Rhivryn found himself alive, rescued from the raging sea by a young thaumaturge by the name of Aerron. Beaten and barely alive, the young rescuer healed the farmer's son back to life (through no feats of Conjury, of course) As it turned out, both had become victims of the raging storm.

A bond grew between the two and became quick friends.
But Rhivryn had to return to his father's farm, he had to make sure his family had survived.

And so the pair made their way to the nearest port, and headed for Limsa Lominsa.

During the boat ride, strange events occurred; strange singing voices, a great sea serpent, a powerful Mi'qote mage, invading Auroras and a possible vision of coming calamity? The pair did not know what to make of it all, but as soon as they landed in Limsa Lominsa Rhivryn was caught up in the workings of Fate and Destiny.

After discovering of his father's death and the total obliteration of his farm and everything he had, Rhivryn took up the mantle of Adventurer and made his way out into the world.

He became involved in the re-forming of the Maelstrom, the union of the Grand Companies, the battles against the Garlean Empire, the struggles against the beastmen's Primals, the antics of Hildebrand and ultimately the clash that became known as the Calamity.

But was Rhivryn lost in holocaust of Dalamud's impact, or will he return in A Realm Reborn?

Eorzea Collection Code: ECU59450VC


Last achievements

Total points: 12190

Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage100
Blue MageBlue Mage78
Dark KnightDark Knight100
Red MageRed Mage100
White MageWhite Mage100