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Kagetora Yatsurugi
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Kagetora Yatsurugi, a.k.a "Fiendslayer", is a male Au Ra of Xaela clan, registered in the database on with 1180457 for ID.

Born on 22nd Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon under protection of Rhalgr, the DestroyerRhalgr, the Destroyer.

Currently is resident of Limsa LominsaLimsa Lominsa, Vylbrand on Louisoix of Chaos.

Reached rank of Storm CaptainStorm Captain in Maelstrom Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Once upon a time in the Azim Steppe there was a young warrior, named Khulan of the Qestir Tribe, who earned the right during the Naadam to be the next Khagan.

At the time the Adamkir Tribe was enforcing it's rule by absorbing smaller, weaker tribes. Khulan was an eyesore to Togene the Adamkir Khan. Togene wanted Khulan out of the way but was also afraid the disgrace he would suffer in case he lost. So Togene hired the Yatsurugi Clan to assassinate Khulan.

The Yatsurugi Clan were assassins located deep within the Yanxia Mountains. They sent Yume, a skilled kunoichi, disguised as one of Khulan's servants. Yume was enticed by Khulan's kindness. When she had the chance to finish Khulan, he didn't resist making her fall for him thus failing her mission.

The Yatsurugi Clan were unforgiving so they sent more assassins to complete the mission and retrieve the traitor. Yume and Khulan fought them off but Togene, who was lurking around, caught Khulan off guard and managed a fatal blow.

Yume not having a home to return to anymore, fled to Limsa Lominsa pregnant on Khulan's son. In Limsa she gave birth to Kagetora, a half breed that belonged to neither Qestir nor Yatsurugi. Being afraid that her son would also be a target she trained him early on to the ways of the shinobi.

When Kagetora was old enough Yume told him the truth about his father and his clan. Kagetora took it upon himself to protect his mother so he travelled to all three-city states challenging and training under masters of all kinds of weapons and arts. He knew he had to be stronger than his parents to make sure his mother's safety.

During his adventures Kagetora found out that he was one of the Warriors of Light and with the power of Echo he defended Eorzea in more than one occasion. During his absence the Yatsurugi Clan found his mother and kidnapped her. Kagetora sensed something was wrong and rushed back to his house. Once arrived he used the power of Echo to see what happened but at the time he had no means of tracking them.

In the fight to free Ala Mhigo and Doma, Kagetora searched for clues of the Yatsurugi Clan location. At Azim Steppe he found out that Togene had been killed by the current Khan so he lost his only lead to their village. After many fights and the liberation of Ala Mhigo, one of the prisoners of the Empire that was freed was Yatsurugi no Yuki, the princess of his Clan, that was captured during the last failed rebellion. Yuki empathized with Kagetora and decided to help him by revealing the village's location.

Kagetora infiltrated the village with Yuki's help. On their way in they encountered the entire Clan. During the fight they recognized their lost Princess and they bowed before her. Yuki immediately ordered to stop the execution of Yume. Yuki invited Kagetora and Yume to stay at the village but Kagetora had a lot of adventures ahead. He left the village and continued his journey as the Warrior of Light.


Last achievements

Total points: 13920

Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage100
Blue MageBlue Mage80
Dark KnightDark Knight100
Red MageRed Mage100
White MageWhite Mage100