Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official Lodestone with special parser.
Service has an official thread on Lodestone forum.
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Serina Ena, a.k.a "Starcaller", is a female Elezen of Wildwood clan, registered in the database on with 12507692 for ID. Had also been known under 1 other name: Serina Koete.
Born on 22nd Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon under protection of Azeyma, the Warden.
Currently is resident of Ul'dah, Thanalan on Coeurl of Crystal.
Reached rank of Flame Captain in Immortal Flames Grand company.
Last interview was conducted on .
This is what adventurer had to say during it:
In Character Serina was forced by her peers while studying in Ishgard to drink dragon's blood. Her Scholar best friend who later became her wife, the amazing Goddess of Magick, Alena Ena, managed to come to Serina's aid and halt the transformation. Alena was too late though to stop the aether of the blood from marring Serina's body with white marks of scales. Thankfully, she has been able to pass the scars off as tattoos.
The two of them fled Ishgard, dwelling in Gridania for a time, where they first became adventurers. Events carried them apart for a time, and while Serina moved on to Ul'Dah to begin her adventure, Alena had her beginning in Limsa Lominsa.
Presently, Serina is studying to master various professions, but mainly works as a Dark Knight. She and her wife have decided to start a Free Company together, and are working to get it ready for recruitment.
Out Of Character I first began my adventures on Adamantoise, but after some college classmates realized I played FFXIV as well, they invited me to make an alt on Coeurl, which is now my main. I met Alena through that friend group that played FFXIV, and we grew from friends, to best friends, to a couple, to being engaged, to MARRIED! I'll never win the lottery, because I spent all my luck finding them! Together, we enjoy playing FFXIV, being homebodies, and taking the random adventure to new places every so often. My favorite creative pastime is drawing followed closely by writing.
Present game goals include working on my island and finally getting my Blue Mage into its end-game content. I enjoy dabbling in high end duties, such as depressed space chicken, as well as building glams and house decorating.
In game, when not leveling, you'll find me moseying through houses for decoration ideas, doing quests, and probably bashing my brains against a jump puzzle, which sadly I suck at. Feel free to say hi!