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Kevin' Rojas
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Kevin' Rojas, a.k.a "63eff52f13b87097fd1ac2fc2bd5e9fbef35924cHope's Legacy", is a male Hyur of Midlander clan, registered in the database on with 12992434 for ID. Had also been known under 1 other name: Kevin Rojas.

Born on 32nd Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon under protection of Nymeia, the SpinnerNymeia, the Spinner.

Currently is resident of GridaniaGridania, The Black Shroud on Exodus of Primal. Has also been seen on Diabolos of Crystal.

Reached rank of Storm CaptainStorm Captain in Maelstrom Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Click to copy blockthe son of maximo rojas and scarlet avalon,kevin rojas was born in limsa lominsa,and was the hier to his families company "Crimson Trading and Transport" or CTT,seven years ago,a little after bahamut was unleashed from dalamud,his mother scarlet,fell ill to a mysterious virus known now as geo stigma,how ever,some time passed,she never recovered,and she passed from the virus,his father,devastated by the passing of his beloved wife,forbade kevin from leaving limsa lominsa,in order to protect what family he had left,durring one of kevin's archery trainings,he heard a voice,but he paid no mind to it,later that night he heard it again,but this time he listened,and it told him "please! you must leave for gridania,there you will find allies that will accompany you for this great task,the sake of the world and it's inhabitants depends on it!" so he takes his bow and leaves for gridania,where he will continue his training with the archers of gridania,find these "allies" and hopefully find a way to save the world,but before leaving,he leaves a letter for his father,the letter reads "i'm sorry i disobeyed you dad,but i had to leave,this voice was telling me,no,ordering me,to do something important,and they said to go to gridania,hopefully i'll find what exactly i'm looking for there,look,i know how you feel,mom's death hit us both pretty hard,but you can't just leave me caged up forever,so i'm leaving this letter,to tell you,not to worry about me,and that you know what i do,is everyone,not just me,thank you for understanding,who knows,my adventure might just lead me back to limsa lominsa,ether way,i hope to see you,and everyone else soon,your son,kevin,PS. don't tell leanne about this,i know she's gonna worry,and she'll probably try to find me if she found out,then she'll be put in danger,and i don't think i'll be able to forgive myself if anything happened to her,so please,don't tell her or try to hide the letter,but anyway,i'll see you all soon.,now on the road to gridania,kevin's hopes is to become strong enough to protect everyone he holds dear to him,but first,he must complete his training with the gridanians,then he must find these allies that the voice he heard spoke of,who know's what dangers will be thrown at kevin as he journey's through this dangerous world,but he know's one thing,he must grow stronger.


Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage92
Blue MageBlue Mage60
Dark KnightDark Knight92
Red MageRed Mage92
White MageWhite Mage92