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Pent Ghelsburg
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Pent Ghelsburg, a.k.a "Lord Protector", is a male Lalafell of Plainsfolk clan, registered in the database on with 1375756 for ID.

Born on 8th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon under protection of Halone, the FuryHalone, the Fury.

Currently is resident of Ul'dahUl'dah, Thanalan on Coeurl of Crystal. Has also been seen on Mateus of Crystal.

Reached rank of Flame CaptainFlame Captain in Immortal Flames Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Pent Ghelsburg made his way to Eorzea via the first wave of migrants in the year of our lady 865. Having been a brash Paladin to have braved the Crystal Wars of another land, Pent was no stranger to strife nor was he unfamiliar with the luxuries of companionship. Despite the vast amount of barriers preventing his immigration, Pent made his way to Eorzea amongst many other travels in what became known as the Age of Adventure. But unlike his fresh faced associations, Pent was no normal Lalafell. Having bested many a foul fiend in the Crystal Wars, Pent was a veteran to not only mortal combat but also to the hounds of war themselves. Upon his arrival Pent set out to reestablish himself since the move had served only to create an identity crisis. Much to his chagrin, and despite his aging composure, Pent began anew in a real unknown only searching to solidify his legend not only with his legacy of the past but also using his experience to establish a future for a land in peril...

What served as a grim reminder of home quickly drove the shrewd Lalafell on the path to glory. Honor and fealty were the tools of the trade and neither were foreign in the hands of this hero. While battles had not yet reached this Eorzea's shores; Ishard's enchroachment sounded all to familiar with a past that Pent knew all to well. But Pent was not alone in this premonition; the grand state of Gridania prepared itself in kind to Ishgard's offensive. It was in this moment that Pent pledged himself to this nation as he had done to his home so long ago. Picking up arms, yet again, Pent prepared himself amongst a plethora of others whom like he sought Adventure. It was in these moments that Pent shone, for his experience was a guiding beacon to the masses who hoarded to his charismatic lead. Pent was willing and the masses eager to amass against the spread of darkness impending upon Eorzea...


Last achievements

Total points: 9115

Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage50
Blue MageBlue Mage1
Dark KnightDark Knight70
Red MageRed Mage50
White MageWhite Mage50