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Reena Sterling
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Reena Sterling, a.k.a "28b41c8f79020879939e47e86c612a9c439e0c8fThe Lucky", is a female Miqo'te of Keeper of the Moon clan, registered in the database on with 14993513 for ID.

Born on 25th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon under protection of Rhalgr, the DestroyerRhalgr, the Destroyer.

Currently is resident of Limsa LominsaLimsa Lominsa, Vylbrand on Jenova of Aether.

Reached rank of First Flame LieutenantFirst Flame Lieutenant in Immortal Flames Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Click to copy blockHello! I'm Reena. I'm a Dark Knight and Scholar main. I enjoy theorycrafting, taking screenshots, decorating houses, and glamour. I also do a bit of raiding. I used to be a hardcore raider back when I played wow, but now I'm taking it more casual.

I’m fairly knowledgeable in almost every aspect of the game. I’m more of a PvE’r than PvP’r: however I have done some ranked pvp in wow, so I do know some things. I play all the jobs, and can easily play whatever is needed. I know the basics and a bit more of each classes. I’m more of a tank then anything, and can play all of them at a decent level. I can also heal, and I can play scholar the best. I play white mage because that’s the most OP at the moment, but I cannot for the life of me play astrologian anymore. I can play all dps decently as well, except for monk as it’s too complicated for me to even comprehend. @.@ I’m not a dps mindset anyway, except when it comes to tanking and healing. I’m not a crafter or a gatherer, and that eludes me as well.

My play schedule can be every day after 4pm EST-ish, and all day on weekends. I go to college so I'm out during the day. I'm normally doing achievements and keeping myself busy when I'm on. Sometimes there will be a huge content gap and I'll be playing less, but I'll still log on every now and then.

My playstyle is hardcore. I’m always using logs and stuff to improve my gameplay. Theorycrafting is something that I really enjoy.. I don't force my gameplay on others. My advice is only there to help better others, it's up to you or anyone to take it. I’m also a very solo player, hoping to get out of that soloingness.

If you see me in game, please don't be shy and give me a shout! I like making new friends, but I am also very shy; most likely I will not approach anyone. It doesn't mean I don't want to talk to anyone! I'm just not sure how to go about it ^^;

If one needs help with something, feel free to ask me! I specialize in quick dungeon runs and farm parties.

I also love decorating! I have my own small business on Jenova. I've decorated plenty of houses. Ask me in game for what plots I've decorated!

I am a collector of all things. Striving to get all the minions, glams, and housing stuff.

I am very easily contacted through discord, and happy to chat throughout the day.
Discord: Akyurien#0666

I also play some other games, Overwatch, Destiny 2, Pokemon, some other stuff...



Last achievements

Total points: 6485

Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage70
Dark KnightDark Knight70
Red MageRed Mage70
White MageWhite Mage70