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K'rosin Nuhn
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K'rosin Nuhn, a.k.a "Dualistic Duelist", is a male Miqo'te of Seeker of the Sun clan, registered in the database on with 1560440 for ID. Had also been known under 1 other name: Shin Kerron.

Born on 11th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon under protection of Oschon, the WandererOschon, the Wanderer.

Currently is resident of Ul'dahUl'dah, Thanalan on Mateus of Crystal. Has also been seen on Excalibur of Primal.

Reached rank of Flame CaptainFlame Captain in Immortal Flames Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

K'eroshain Tia was born to a small tribe a fair distance away from Eorzea. He was primarily looked after by his Sire, who tried his best to raise the small child with the upbringing to become a Nunh one day. This sort of upbringing sort of backfired, as the child grew up a veritable oddball among seekers of the sun, a male who wanted nothing to do with trying to earn the title of Nunh and instead wanted to become an adventurer with all his heart.

So while his father managed to pass on proper hygiene and make a handsome faced young man, his attitude kept him a Tia. Never the less, he made a small circle of close friends.

In pursuit of his dream, K'eroshain fashioned for himself a new name in the style of various other travelers he heard come through the village. Shin Kerron as he now deemed himself, saved every gil he earned until he was one day able to buy his own sword, choosing the weapon for the fact that it was much a weapon as it was a symbol. He quietly began preparing for the day he would leave the village.

His plans however were delayed, on the day Dalamud fell from the heavens, and the elder primal awakened. Even with the safety of distance separating the village from Eorzea, the rumble of its roar and the glow on the horizon from its mighty power was enough to give anyone nightmares... He stayed behind in the village for five years, doing all he could to help the recovery efforts.

One day however, one of the Nunhs that was trying to get the attention of Shin's female friend decided to steal her journal in an effort of getting her to pay attention to him. Shin naturally of course went to get it back, and when the Nunh in his sense of self-entitlement refused and tried to push Shin around, Shin pushed back. And when he pushed back, he broke the Nunh's nose with a big stick.

Halfway on the way back to returning the journal, a realization came over Shin. He had just fought with a Nunh and won, in front of people, which technically could be taken as winning a challenge. However, for a young man who wanted more than anything to leave the village and pursue adventure, the thought of being tied to the village again with the obligations of the title, along with all the horror stories he had heard of newly made Nunh's having to constantly fend off challengers who wanted an easy shot at the title and suitors who didn't understand what it meant to 'come on too strong' alike, often being attacked (in more ways than one) in their sleep even, one thought alone was going through his head.


That evening, Shin took up his sword and what possessions he could carry and sneaked out of the village, deciding to head for Ul'dah. Surely his friends would be alright without him he kept trying to reassure himself, unknowing that they too were beginning their own journeys.

So begins his story...


Last achievements

Total points: 8015

Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage17
Blue MageBlue Mage26
Dark KnightDark Knight80
Red MageRed Mage100
White MageWhite Mage48