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Clyde Arrowny
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Clyde Arrowny is a male Hyur of Midlander clan, registered in the database on with 1613199 for ID.

Born on 25th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon under protection of Rhalgr, the DestroyerRhalgr, the Destroyer.

Currently is resident of GridaniaGridania, The Black Shroud on Adamantoise of Aether.

Reached rank of Second Flame LieutenantSecond Flame Lieutenant in Immortal Flames Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Very little is known about Clyde's earlier days. The earliest records of his life detail him as a young man, living the life of a train robber alongside his best friend, Baram. The two were
actually quite successful, and eventually gained noteriety as the Shadow Bandits. Unfortunately for them, however, the Garlean Empire caught on to their trail, and set up an ambush at one heist
spot... the ambush succeeded, mortally wounding Baram and severely injuring Clyde. When Baram asked Clyde to off him so the empire wouldn't get him, however... Clyde couldn't do it, instead
leaving Baram to his unknown fate.

Wounded Clyde attmepted to escape on a boat that was eventually sunk by the Empire, yet he some how managed to end up on the shores of the remote island city of Thamasa...

...Where he finally collapsed, outside the house of a young mage named Julia and her father, Strago. Julia used her restorative powers to heal Clyde's external injuries, and took him into their

home to allow him to recover. After his recovery, Clyde learned of where he was, as well as the nature of the town he was in. Eventually, Clyde
and Julia fell in love, and were married.? Roughly a year and a half later, Julia learned she was pregnant. While Clyde was overjoyed, the Empire had finally tracked him down and as a result

Julia died shortly after their daughter was born. Clyde was devestated. Realizing that, in his mind, his daughter would never be safe so long as
he was around, Clyde left Thamasa, leaving his daughter, Relm, in the hands of her grandfather.

Unfortunately it is believed that the calamity destroyed the island Thamasa was on …
Currently Cylde wanders about as an adventurer truly only looking for the power to strike back at the empire; who he holds responsible for the calamity and his wifes death.


Last achievements

Total points: 1195

Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage27
Red MageRed Mage50
White MageWhite Mage22