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Plum Liqueur
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Plum Liqueur, a.k.a "Raiser of Mountains", is a female Lalafell of Dunesfolk clan, registered in the database on with 17049757 for ID.

Born on 16th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon under protection of Rhalgr, the DestroyerRhalgr, the Destroyer.

Currently is resident of Ul'dahUl'dah, Thanalan on Sargatanas of Aether.

Reached rank of Flame CaptainFlame Captain in Immortal Flames Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

I started playing in the first days that FFXIV came online. I had migrated over from FFXI. FFXIV 1.0 Legacy was a bit rough around the edges (understatement of the year) but I hung in there till the end of the extended beta. After that I left the game for several months till FFXIV ARR came online and returned to the game. I missed out on a few things and since I needed to relearn everything I created Plum Liqueur as an alt. (My first character is now named Rambutan Liqueur, Originally Dusk Shardveil if you want to look for him in the credits.)

A Taru by any other name. Plum is new to adventuring. Her player is returning from a very long hiatus and just as one expect she has to learn everything all over again. So forgive the odd mistake while she gets the hang of things. Those monsters don't stand a chance!

Plum is the founder of the "Spirits of the Void" a small organization that is dedicated to the research of the nature of various aether energies, as well as some controversial (and risky) research into the Void itself. This small enterprise is a break from her family's traditional business. (more on that below) and they profit by providing their research materials and laboratory facilities for those in need. Everyone is welcome at the Void Hall in Lav, and of course at Plum's Laboratory facilities in Goblet. For more information about our Sargatanas based Free Company please contact Plum in-world.

Oh and the family/clan/company by tradition brews spirits when not doing research!

Why the name? Unlike most Lalafell traditional naming schemes, her family belongs to a merchant clan specializing in the production of various spirits and chose mercantile names for use with the broader public. With each new birth (and Marriage) the family chooses a new flavor to make and sell! ^.^ her family clan name is "The Spirit-Farers" and bottles of their brews often feature a single white feather embossed at the edges with silver. Of course, she has a true Lala name "PlumPlum Imglum".

Along with Plum there are her six other sisters who act as her retainers, Strawberry, Coffee, Creme, Berry, Lemon, and Peach! Oh, her adventurous cousin by marriage and business merger Peppermint Schnapps is her partner. Pep is from the "Butan" Lalafel family and is brother to Rambutan Liqueur. Her union with Pep is a significant tie between the merchant families. There are of course non-family members in the Free Company, and in the Spirit-Farers.

Now, when you say her name. Be sure to get it right! Its pronounced. "Pluuuuum Liqueur!" Say it like you mean it! Hee! ^.^



Last achievements

Total points: 9220

Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage70
Red MageRed Mage90
White MageWhite Mage72