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Kiimura Aito
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Kiimura Aito, a.k.a "Stormlady", is a female Miqo'te of Seeker of the Sun clan, registered in the database on with 17843935 for ID.

Born on 5th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon under protection of Llymlaen, the NavigatorLlymlaen, the Navigator.

Currently is resident of Limsa LominsaLimsa Lominsa, Vylbrand on Gilgamesh of Aether.

Reached rank of Serpent Private First ClassSerpent Private First Class in Order of the Twin Adder Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

I'm Kiimura Aito. You can call me Ki. It means "life energy" in Japanese and I've always had an innate sense of healing towards others just never harnessed. I've lived my life as a nomad after having run away from my hometown in a little village in the continent of Othard not far from Doma in Yanxia. My life started out quaint, cozy and the villagers were one big happy family (for the most part). Everyone knew each other, and I enjoyed the peaceful sunny days playing around my house with my twin sister, Miyumi. We would always play by the nearby river, trying to catch fish with our bare hands. But things changed all of a sudden sometime after the Garlean Empire invaded Yanxia and the surrounding area. I was about 9 when in the chaos of storming our village one day, my parents were brutally killed after showing resistance and trying to protect my sister and I, and as they were murdered they came after us too. My sister and I ran but they got Miyumi...there was nothing I could do and I kept running and I ran and cried and ran til I collapsed in the woods.

Somehow they didn't pursue a little runt like me. I made my way to the Ruby Sea and grew up as a street rat with other kids and finally found some peaceful times again as well as love. My prince charming was already an adventurer at heart, having visions that I didn't yet have or understand and he left Ruby Sea three years before I did to pursue this Fate. Alas, our lives took separate routes and little did I know I would be following in his footsteps. I eventually started having visions as well. In my teens I started getting visions of people, places, masked men, magic, and dragons. Just random things I knew nothing of. I knew there was some greater purpose for me. Over time, my friends in the Ruby Sea began to fade, some died from monsters, some were caught. There was still nothing I could do but I vowed I would do something to save them if there were any left alive. I ran away again. I decided to embark on a journey to make something of myself, learn some trades, pick up some weapons and learn to fight. I just needed a master to teach me.

My visions plagued me even as I journeyed and landed in Limsa Lominsa. I took a liking to this city by the sea. It reminded me somehow of the river waters I used to play in with my sister long ago. I eventually pledged my allegiance and so my real journey has begun...


Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage4
Red MageRed Mage50
White MageWhite Mage45