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Sky Koston
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Sky Koston, a.k.a "Echo of a Fallen Star", is a male Miqo'te of Keeper of the Moon clan, registered in the database on with 18642310 for ID.

Born on 22nd Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon under protection of Rhalgr, the DestroyerRhalgr, the Destroyer.

Currently is resident of Ul'dahUl'dah, Thanalan on Cactuar of Aether.

Reached rank of Second Flame LieutenantSecond Flame Lieutenant in Immortal Flames Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Sky Coston was born Dovah'a Lujh'ka, as a Keeper of the Moon. His father had died before he was born in a hunting accident, cementing his mother’s opinion that males were worthless and weak by proving the stereotypes true. This made his mother look down on him when he was born, leaving him largely neglected throughout his youth. She was severe in her punishments; beating him senseless for his slights and he was picked on by the other children in their trio of families. He blamed himself for this of course and left the group as a teenager to join the war against the Garleans. Life as a soldier was rough on him, with the Miqo’te taking his failures personally especially when they cost the lives of his comrades. He looked up to Kira Flynn for her strength in the Battle of Carteneau, aspiring to be like her so he wouldn’t let others down any longer. Perhaps a worse offender on his psyche than the horrors of war was his inability to protect a family that took him in after the battle, with a band of Garlean defectors slaughtering them and burning down the house. This was when his Darkness unlocked for the first time, and it scared him. For the most part he keeps it hidden and tries to suppress it, leaving it only to come out in dire times of life and death.

Though a survivor, Sky was lost until he met Ulaan Dotharl on a beach. Initially he looked up to her much like he had Kira, but unlike the Miqo’te Ulaan was very soothing and spent a lot of time getting to know and understand him. He didn’t understand what she admired about him, but he was thankful for her company and having someone there that genuinely cared about him. He was skeptical about it for a while of course, but her refusal to leave his side and her standing up for him time and again alongside her treatment of him proved that maybe he was worth something even if he didn’t see it. She was the one that asked him to marry her, and during the ceremony they shed their old names as part of starting their lives over again and looking forward to the future. He chose Sky as his name because Ulaan had been the first person to ever tell him that the “sky was the limit” to his potential, a sentence that stuck with the blond and meant the world to him. She chose Alexia because the name sounded powerful to her, with their last name of Koston being derived from a word describing a beach since that was where they had met.

Due to his abusive history, Sky is very reserved and quiet. He never got experience socializing, making the process awkward for him and he often just doesn’t know what to say. His crippling lack of confidence makes it hard for him to try and get bette. He is also honest to a fault, and he tries his best to do what’s right and to protect or help others when he can even if it’s to his own detriment. That’s why as an Adventurer he makes sure to investigate who gives the jobs so he can make sure there aren’t shady ulterior motives to them.


Last achievements

Total points: 6180

Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Dark KnightDark Knight100
Red MageRed Mage50