Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official Lodestone with special parser.
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Zayn Lloyd, a.k.a "Storm Hound", is a male Lalafell of Plainsfolk clan, registered in the database on with 18733105 for ID. Had also been known under 59 other names: Ace Argentus, Azhan Oronir, C'rhaza Nunh, C'yuhn Tia, Chai Yuhn, Denzel Starwind, Enzo Allegro, Fofoboji Sasaboji, Fufulupi Sasalupi, H'novi Nunh, J'kota Nunh, Jace Ventus, Jace Whitemoon, Jace Yatsurugi, Jaden Mystral, Jay Adachi, Jayce Brightwing, Jayce Mystral, Jayce Ophelius, Jojoyan Momoyan, Jomei Fredric, Jozoh Yapazoh, Kane Kogarashi, Kane Whitemoon, Kellan Nhovyr, Kenzo Benzo, Kian Drakos, Kokonovi Totonovi, Lance Fairwing, M'kashi Tia, Mikella Yubel, Mondo Owada, Nezha Hsiwa, Odin Sherwood, Oz Tessera, Ozai Dova, R'han Tia, Renton Schwarzer, Rohan Domo, Romeo Vesuvio, Saki Bomb, Sasawaki Zazawaki, Shinya Shiromori, Shoji Kurayami, Sohvu Buduga, Sovalu Dhoro, Taiyo Sasahara, Vini Houdini, Wakiya Kamokiya, Woomi Koomi, X'novi Tia, Y'novi Tia, Y'zayn Tia, Yasaki Musaki, Yazan Ramazan, Yuhn Mystral, Yuhn Tyrsgarde, Yujiro Nejiro, Yuuji Kazemaru.
Born on 15th Sun of the 5th Astral Moon under protection of Nophica, the Matron.
Other known incarnations:
male Au Ra of Xaela, male Miqo'te of Seeker of the Sun, and male Viera of Rava.
Currently is resident of Gridania, The Black Shroud on Mateus of Crystal.
Has also been seen on
Balmung of Crystal, Brynhildr of Crystal, Diabolos of Crystal, and Behemoth of Primal.
Reached rank of Storm Captain in Maelstrom Grand company.