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Brona Corcrain
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Brona Corcrain, a.k.a "Of Stranger Shadow", is a female Hyur of Midlander clan, registered in the database on with 18845193 for ID.

Born on 26th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon under protection of Nald'thal, the TradersNald'thal, the Traders.

Currently is resident of Ul'dahUl'dah, Thanalan on Sargatanas of Aether.

Reached rank of Flame Private Third ClassFlame Private Third Class in Immortal Flames Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Bróna Corcráin was born in Mhach, during the War of the Magi. She had a rather uneventful childhood, proving herself to be very adept in black magic and other arts, with a singular talent in alchemy, and rather clever and cunning. She left training one of the highest ranked of her year, and was immediately assigned to apprentice under a Master Voidmage named Tucian.

He showed her his workshop, full of hundreds of chimaera made with Spoken and beasts, hideous amalgamations of flesh and bone, begging to die, and it took six weeks before Bróna burned the entire thing to the ground, Tucian within it. She was able to successfully claim it as an accident, and escape with just probation and an Ahriman babysitter for six moons – most people who knew it wasn’t just assumed she’d murdered him for power, as was common.

Her next master, Cathal, proved himself just as terrible. He collected Nymian and Amdapori prisoners – all women – and did an encyclopedia of terrible things to them, hoping the torment and abuse and the pain would make them all the sweeter for the personal army of succubi he wished to call forth. His apprentices, too, were all women, and encouraged to…well. It’s safe to say that there was another accident, a summoning circle smudged just the right way to free the summoned Voidsent from bondage and allow them to rip the man apart.

Another probation and another warning, another assumed attempt at power – both failed, though, since the poor girl was strong and clever but didn’t have the stomach for the job – and then came the third. Not assigned a master this time, but simple guard duty, she was unable to claim innocence after freeing a dozen prisoners set for the study halls (a fate worse than death).

She, then, was sent to the study halls in their place, and wished she were dead for an unknowable amount of time…before an Ascian arrived once again to treat with her favorite kingdom. Igeyorhm, she was called, and had created the Void. She was thus honored whenever she visited, and when she needed a new host, who better to offer than this powerful mage girl, criminal as she was.

Fifteen hundred years later, not too long after the Seventh Calamity, the Ascian decided to claim a new host, and disposed of Bróna afterwards – thinking her dead like all the other used up hosts. But she survived, the torments inflicted upon her during her time as an experimental subject making her able to keep her life. However the trauma stole her memories, and she barely managed to wander into Vesper Bay before passing out.

She joined the Scions, only able to give a name, Bróna, and it was quickly made evident she had the Echo, and the blessing. She worked with them a while, and eventually became a Warrior of Light…and when her and the others were at Castrum Centri, witnessing the possession of Thancred by Lahabrea – seeing someone else go through what she had – caused her memories to return.


Last achievements

Total points: 2860

Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage80