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Tsubaki Byakko
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Tsubaki Byakko, a.k.a "Pure White", is a female Au Ra of Raen clan, registered in the database on with 19712244 for ID.

Born on 32nd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon under protection of Nymeia, the SpinnerNymeia, the Spinner.

Currently is resident of GridaniaGridania, The Black Shroud on Mateus of Crystal.

Reached rank of Second Serpent LieutenantSecond Serpent Lieutenant in Order of the Twin Adder Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Priestess of the Kogyoko Palace and cousin of the Ruby Princess Kurenai. Tsubaki is a strong-willed young woman that followed traditions. Her unique healing abilities as well as her beauty is what makes others so drawn to her. Highly respected by the people in her home despite being born with tiger marks on her face. She is mostly known from her temper, that can spike are any given moment.

During the night that she was to be betrothed to a noble man and lose her title as Priestess, that man who was once gentle and sweet to her only wanted her for her beauty and a trophy. Enraged and heart shattered, Tsubaki slapped the man in front of everyone, followed by a foul language not fit for a woman of her status. It was then Tsubaki fled her home of the Ruby Palace and Sui-no-Sato.

Tsubaki travels around Eorzea with a young man name Ukyo Kagehisa, still sporting the clothing of her home and offering her healing whenever someone is in need. She has been chosen by the Kami as the Juunishi Tiger and student of Byakko of the Four Lords. Her being the youngest of the animal warriors, her strong sense of leadership, confidence (stubbornness if you will) and pride are what drives her to success.


Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
White MageWhite Mage72