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Pyralis Mercier
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Pyralis Mercier, a.k.a "Fashion Leader", is a male Au Ra of Xaela clan, registered in the database on with 20222291 for ID. Had also been known under 1 other name: Pyralis Miura.

Born on 32nd Sun of the 4th Astral Moon under protection of Nald'thal, the TradersNald'thal, the Traders.

Currently is resident of Ul'dahUl'dah, Thanalan on Mateus of Crystal.

Reached rank of Storm CaptainStorm Captain in Maelstrom Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Abandoned at birth, Pyralis was found by one of the commanders of the Temple Knights, Commander Miura during one of many years of the Dragonsong War in a empty house in Coerthas Central Highland. Allowing himself to be called, “father,” Commander Miura raised Pyralis on his own along with some help from his maids. The commander also taught Pyralis how to fight with a sword and talked of peace for all races and nations before dying heroically in one of the battles with the Dravanians. He also spoke of suspicions of the archbishop Thordan VII and his line with the Dragonsong War to Pyralis before his death as well.

After Commander Miura’s death, Pyralis, at the age of a young adult, traveled to Ul’dah alone to become a warrior to carry on his father’s legacy of fighting for peace and justice. He trains under Mylla in the Gladiators’ Guild before returning a visit to Ishgard few years later after mastering in both arts. However, the visit unexpectedly becomes a long stay when he encounters Fray and becomes interested in using darkness to bring peace. He masters the art of darkness from training and traveling with Fray and Sidurgu (and Rielle).

Pyralis still travels around, fighting for what is right, and never forgetting what his father, his masters, and his companions have taught him.

Pyralis is an absolute gentleman and quite the extrovert. However, he can be shy as well. He’s rather calm majority of the time and it’s hard to get him actually angry. Other than that, he’s always kind to everyone he meets and talks to.

Romantic Interest/Sexuality

Pyralis prefers males than females in terms of romantic interests. He also considers himself as more of a submissive type rather than a dominant type, but that isn’t too important. Other than that, Pyralis would simply like someone who is understanding, loving, and someone who will spoil him affection and attention.

Pyralis absolutely loves fashion! You’ll mostly find him in dungeons looking for new attires, staring at the local market boards for hours and hours, or trying out all kinds of clothes at his Free Company estate. Pyralis also loves music as well. Far before his passing, Commander Miura’s has taught Pyralis how to play the piano when he was still a child until he began teaching himself afterwards. When he’s not traveling, he’ll usually be at the Free Company estate, listening to the orchestrion and relaxing, or playing the piano.

Feel free to /tell a starter anytime to Pyralis! You’ll find him in Kugane, Limsa Lominsa, or in Rhalgr’s Reach. Don’t hesitate to talk to him even when the RP sign is not on display! Flirting with him is fine, but anything lewd or smut will be reserved to his future significant other!


Last achievements

Total points: 5655

Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Dark KnightDark Knight94