Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official Lodestone with special parser.
Service has an official thread on Lodestone forum.
"(C) SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. All material used under license."
If you own this character account, and do not want to share the data, you can change private settings on Lodestone, and a private flag will be applied on next update, preventing any further updates, hiding all details of the profile and applying noindex tag to the page. Visiting the page every 24 hours can help prioritize the update, but generally it happens within minutes. Once it's applied, you will see appropriate message. Note, that you may need to force-refresh the page (clear browser cache) to see the change. This also does not imply instant removal of the page from Google search results, and link to profile may still be present on groups' pages (same as with Lodestone).
Deviline Angevil, a.k.a "The Fae-touched", is a female Miqo'te of Seeker of the Sun clan, registered in the database on with 20675223 for ID.
Born on 5th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon under protection of Halone, the Fury.
Currently is resident of Limsa Lominsa, Vylbrand on Jenova of Aether.
Has also been seen on
Phoenix of Light.
Reached rank of Second Storm Lieutenant in Maelstrom Grand company.
Last interview was conducted on .
This is what adventurer had to say during it:
Deviline Angevil is an orphan and had no family left at a young age, she taught her self to hunt, make shelter, cook and fight. She can't remember much of her perants, her heritage, where she was born and familie due to her being so young when she was the only one left. She traveled to Eorzea to a pirate city named Limsa Lominsa where she joined the maurders guild at the tender age of 18, she been chosen by Hydelin her self as the warrior of light, miss Angvil did'nt understand why but she blindly accepted it. She talked to locals, learned about the history of eorzea and trained hard. At age 21 she met with the scions of the seventh dawn, friendship been made for a life time. Deviline went on a big adventure with her newly made family out of friendschip, had her share of loss, heartbreak and sadness but never given up to fight againt the garlean empire and beyond. Who knows what her future unfoldes, will she look for her origin or will she make a legacy of her own?