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Hurin Twinfang is a male Lalafell of Dunesfolk clan, registered in the database on with 207831 for ID. Had also been known under 1 other name: Lys Fangorn.
Born on 13th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon under protection of Llymlaen, the Navigator.
Other known incarnations:
male Hyur of Midlander.
Currently is resident of Gridania, The Black Shroud on Balmung of Crystal.
Reached rank of Serpent Captain in Order of the Twin Adder Grand company.
Last interview was conducted on .
This is what adventurer had to say during it:
Arnoulf was born to Hurin and Astrid Fangorn on the 13th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon in the central highlands of Coerthas. His father, Hurin, is descended from a minor branch of the noble House of Haillenarte in Ishgard. His upbringing was has humble, but comfortable. However, he was not the first born son in his family and would not be entitled to an inheritance by his father, neither land (what little they possessed) nor title. When he came of age, Hurin was expected to enter his training as a paladin. He entered his service to the Archbishop and eventually earned the title of Knight. After several years of duty, Hurin was injured during a skirmish with the troublesome dragons of the north and was forced to retire from service. Hurin was given a small stipend in appreciation of his service by the Archbishop. He had no desire to enter the priesthood of Ishgard, so he sought out an apprenticeship to learn a new trade.
This lead Hurin to Gridania, where he fell in love with a woodworker’s daughter named Astrid. This was a disappointment to his own family and caused them to alienate him. They married a couple of years later and the two decided to start a small homestead in Coethas, where Hurin also harvested wood and has a small workshop, where he created fine furniture for citizens of Ishgard and Gridania.
Arnoulf was born a year later at this homestead. He spent his early years roaming freely among the mountains and helping out his father. After many years, Coethas started to become a more dangerous place. Not many people roamed the mountains after the closing of Ishgard to outsiders and the amount of dangerous beasts increased. Eventually the couple elected to move their family to the safety of Gridania. Hurin went to work with Astrid’s father once more and took on work as handyman around town to make extra money. He often enlisted Arnoulf's help, when he can drag him in from the forest and his books.
Arnoulf has a great deal of curiosity for the natural world, something that his mother encouraged when we was young by allowing "Arnie" to roam the forest freely. Eventually that time came to an end and he was brought into the family business to begin his training as a woodworker. A short time into his apprenticeship Eorzea started to experience issues with the Garlean Empire once more. Arnoulf was encouraged to learn the ways of the sword as his father did. After his initial training, he honed his skills in Ul'dah and returned to join The Order of the Twin Adder in Gridania.
Skirmishes with the Garlean’s became more and more common. Strange phenomena began to happen... All along, Arnoulf proved his worth to his Grand Company and began to rise through their ranks. All of these events eventually culminated with the Battle of Carteneau, where Arnoulf faithfully served the Alliance.