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Grayan Kingsblood
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Grayan Kingsblood, a.k.a "Lighter than Air", is a male Miqo'te of Seeker of the Sun clan, registered in the database on with 2214960 for ID.

Born on 32nd Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon under protection of Althyk, the KeeperAlthyk, the Keeper.

Currently is resident of Limsa LominsaLimsa Lominsa, Vylbrand on Exodus of Primal.

Reached rank of Serpent Sergeant Second ClassSerpent Sergeant Second Class in Order of the Twin Adder Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Grayan Kingsblood's story begins at sea one night among a terrible storm. It was in this storm Grayan was Born to a Hyur Nobleman and a Mi'quote Seeker of the Sun During The Third Astral Moon on the 31st Sun in the year of 1551. The storm devastated the ship carrying him but, just before the new life was last his mother and father swept him away aboard one of the last remaining life boats. For weeks they drifted before being picked up by a pirate crew. They slew his father when he tried to resist them having their way with his mother. In the end it happened anyway as this was the price for passage for her and her baby. In Grayans Fifteenth cycle the year of 1566 his mother became sick and, just before her passing told him the truth of the men Grayan had grown up with. In a rage Grayan flew to his room and picked up his fathers old Arcanist's tome and though he knew not how to use it the rage woke the ability withing him and he slew the entire gang of men left alive from that night fifteen years ago. Whom he had once believed to be his family. Twelve men were not part of the crime and thus Grayan simply locked them below deck. He sailed to the war ship known as Limsa lominsa arriving two years later in the year 1568. He unlocked the men who had still refused to help him and departed the ship only his fathers book in hand. He found himself at the Arcanists guild where he studied for the next four years before setting off on an adventure of a lifetime with his new found knowledge. Once Grayan arrived in Gridania he found himself wandering into the lancers guild where he took a bet that a lancer of equal prowess could not best his magic if he lost he would train for a year under the lancers. Grayan was defeated and now understood the composure courage and lethality of the Lancers and the skill it took to be one. Grayan quickly came to understand in the essence of his being he WAS a Dragoon. His years as a deck hand left him strong yet wiry and his mi'quote blood gave him reflexes that rivaled the best of all the lancers. This was his Home the place Llymlaen, the Navigator had been guiding him to all along. It was here he would truly start on his path to reforge Eorzea


Last achievements

Total points: 1975

Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage9
Dark KnightDark Knight48
Red MageRed Mage64
White MageWhite Mage58