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Finecia Hawke, a.k.a "A Requiem For Heroes", is a female Hyur of Highlander clan, registered in the database on with 2239203 for ID.
Born on 18th Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon under protection of Menphina, the Lover.
Currently is resident of Gridania, The Black Shroud on Seraph of Dynamis.
Has also been seen on
Balmung of Crystal.
Reached rank of First Flame Lieutenant in Immortal Flames Grand company.
Last interview was conducted on .
This is what adventurer had to say during it:
Finecia Hawke is unique in that she is Acting Nunh for R'lexia Thras until 'lexia finds her Nunh.
Physical Description:
Finecia is an imposing figure, with sharp and alert eyes, some would say a hard look, though just underneath she holds a rather pleasant beauty to her for a Highlander. Her jaw and chin are made up of sharp lines, while her brow surrounds a pair of deep blue orbs that typically intently focus on their subject. Underneath all the robes is a woman who's seen much physical exertion, toned muscles make up her limbs, torso and spine. Her auburn red hair shows signs of early greying streaks in them, unknown if due to early aging or some other effect. Her relatively pale skin is slightly tanned with the addition of red and blue tattoos that frame her eyes and nose that accentuate in opposite directions her sharp, short and thin eyebrows. Her lips, thick on the bottom, thinner up top, pout in a stoic expression and appear to be just a darker flesh color than her slightly tanned alabaster based skin. Her nose comes to a short point and makes for a inflection point that the rest of her facial features follow, perhaps inspiring her family name "Hawke". Given all the sharp lines and toned muscles, somehow, during rare moments she can project her own femininity just under the layers of stoicism.
What is common knowledge of this woman is that she is tough as nail when it comes to personal interaction, perhaps a bit stoic or standoffish but seems to soften up with more words traded. Not at all intense or angry, she projects cool, calm and collected demeanor that sometimes comes off as lacking warmth though apparently that seems to fade as one gets to know her.
Positive Personality Traits: Strong, reliable, even tempered, seems to brace well against crisis, Is a good listener and thinker. Seems to offer kind hands to those in need and show a great deal of compassion and protection for those who she deems worthy.
Negative Personality Traits: Can be considered cold, intimidating and a bit rough around the edges when first met, of what is known of her. She can bristle when confronted and be rather quiet about her own thoughts and motivations.
Misc. Quirks: She has a tendency to narrow her eyes for a great deal many reasons which means it's hard for other to know if she upset or inquisitive or sarcastic or what.