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Lupe Sulondin
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Lupe Sulondin, a.k.a "Living Memory", is a male Hyur of Midlander clan, registered in the database on with 22744199 for ID.

Born on 32nd Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon under protection of Llymlaen, the NavigatorLlymlaen, the Navigator.

Currently is resident of Ul'dahUl'dah, Thanalan on Faerie of Aether.

Reached rank of Flame CaptainFlame Captain in Immortal Flames Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

I was born to a hard-working middle class family in Spira. My family wanted me to be a blitzball player, since we lived in Luca. I enjoyed it well enough, but didn't possess enough of a knack for it to make a living out of it. I did, however, possess innate ability with a sword and so it was this skillset that I honed more than any other as I grew up.

I was merely eight when the Eternal Calm was finally brought to Spira by High Summoner Yuna, and I will never forget watching the speech she gave shortly after destroying Sin. I had the privilege of meeting her several times over the course of my teenage years, but it was always brief encounters--only getting to talk for a few moments.

At the age of twenty-six, I was to marry an Al Bhed woman I had loved for some time. The day of the wedding...she was found dead in her dressing room...impaled upon my sword. To this day, I have not the faintest idea who did this, or why they did it...and I doubt I will ever have the chance to know.

Regardless, I was arrested, tried, and found guilty--not of murder, thank Gods, but of conspiracy to commit murder--their reasoning was that the only way my sword could be used as a murder weapon is if I had given it to the perpetrator. Preposterous, but not entirely without merit--I keep my sword on my person or under lock and key at all times.

My sentence was banishment from my homeland. Truth be told, I'm simply glad to have avoided the death penalty, because I have found myself a new home: the beautiful land of Eorzea. Getting started was not as easy as it could have been, but I quickly found friends and allies in the Free Company known as Fairy Tail. They've been by my side through thick and thin, and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

I count myself quite fortunate to be among their ranks, and I aim to restore my stolen honor by spending the rest of my days fighting alongside them all across Eorzea.


Last achievements

Total points: 12940

Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage100
Blue MageBlue Mage80
Dark KnightDark Knight100
Red MageRed Mage100
White MageWhite Mage100