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Calleis Glauco
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Calleis Glauco, a.k.a "Lighter than Air", is a female Hyur of Midlander clan, registered in the database on with 23601661 for ID.

Born on 16th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon under protection of Menphina, the LoverMenphina, the Lover.

Currently is resident of Ul'dahUl'dah, Thanalan on Jenova of Aether. Has also been seen on Siren of Aether.

Reached rank of Chief Storm SergeantChief Storm Sergeant in Maelstrom Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

A party of Ala Mhigan refugees raided on the side to fund their horrifying addiction to clarified buffalo butter. Their notorious leader, Big Biscuit, wiped out the village of Medinici; the only survivor was young Calleis Glauco ('the Grey'), who fled into the desert.

Fleeing past the last marker into the Bahr Bela Ma, or waterless ocean, she found a lost tribe of barbarian Lalafell who took her in and trained her in their mystic arts of robbery. Before long she was the tallest and strongest warrior in the tribe, and led them in countless raids on Thanalan, looting only as an afterthought to their searing savagery. Merchants and earless Ala Mhigan refugees spoke in fear of the Bronze Giant, the ravager of the Bahr Bela Ma, who showed no mercy to refugees and would lop off both ears, and sometimes more.

In truth, Calleis was not a great warrior of legend; she was usually lucky, and never fought fair if she had any choice. Her revenge on Big Biscuit, for example, owed more to a pit trap and poisoned spikes than to her sword.

Feeling that justice had been done, and also hearing that the Flames were about to invade every oasis in the Bahr Bela Ma, the tribe scattered and, alone except for her loot, Calleis went in search of her fortune.

Nobody seriously believes that Calleis could have been the Bronze Giant; for one thing, she is too short, and for another, she sold her ear collection many moons ago to a jaded Ul'dah collector. Mild-mannered in civilised settings, she nevertheless has a sharp temper and a tongue that would shame a Lominsan sailor.

Working as an apprentice alchemist in-between jobs as street muscle, Calleis has shown a knack for distilling very pure acids without suffering anything worse than slight burns. Still the sullen, unsophisticated barbarian, her approach to aetheric studies is best encapsulated in her claim that 'Aether has a tinny taste.'


Last achievements

Total points: 1415

Job affinities

JobLevelLast change