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Luca Actaeon
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Luca Actaeon is a male Viera of Rava clan, registered in the database on with 23904261 for ID.

Born on 17th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon under protection of Thaliak, the ScholarThaliak, the Scholar.

Currently is resident of Limsa LominsaLimsa Lominsa, Vylbrand on Mateus of Crystal.

Reached rank of Second Storm LieutenantSecond Storm Lieutenant in Maelstrom Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Luca is six fulms tall with a square face framed by shoulder length ebon-black hair which is streaked with ribbons of white. Dark eyes are drawn into lightly sunken crevasse beneath a stern brow making his cheek bones stand out beneath the natural pink blush of his beige flesh. Unblemished skin runs from his neck down to his chest where sits a plethora of scars that run from burns to jagged cuts from an accidents in his early youth. The first scar sat over his heart and is deeply indented, taut and an off shade of auburn. It concerned a malfunctioning Machanist's Rook autoturret that had been brought in for repairs. The bit activated and shot Luca point blank. The second scar was a series of long slashes that ran down from his breast and across his side, towards his belly and abdomen. The long, serrated slashes were from a collapsed catwalk in the workshop that had fallen on him. There are various other small scars and but not as significant in size and presence.

His name is of the Old Tongue. He was named for the path those who turned their backs to Halone look at death. His mother gave him this name in hopes that he would be grow an ardent follower of Halone and those that looked at him would know what awaited them if they turned their backs on the Old Ways.

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Total points: 3690

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