Service to track different information for Free Companies (guilds), PvP Teams, Linkshells (chat groups) and individual characters for Final Fantasy XIV online game developed and published by Square Enix. Utilizes data grabbed from official Lodestone with special parser.
Service has an official thread on Lodestone forum.
"(C) SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved. FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. All material used under license."
If you own this character account, and do not want to share the data, you can change private settings on Lodestone, and a private flag will be applied on next update, preventing any further updates, hiding all details of the profile and applying noindex tag to the page. Visiting the page every 24 hours can help prioritize the update, but generally it happens within minutes. Once it's applied, you will see appropriate message. Note, that you may need to force-refresh the page (clear browser cache) to see the change. This also does not imply instant removal of the page from Google search results, and link to profile may still be present on groups' pages (same as with Lodestone).
Asindra Vanir, a.k.a "Under the Moonlight", is a female Miqo'te of Seeker of the Sun clan, registered in the database on with 26140577 for ID. Had also been known under 3 other names: Emergency Snack, Emergency Snacky, Ktjn Fyth.
Born on 18th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon under protection of Nymeia, the Spinner.
Currently is resident of Gridania, The Black Shroud on Raiden of Light.
Has also been seen on
Phoenix of Light.
Reached rank of Flame Captain in Immortal Flames Grand company.
Last interview was conducted on .
This is what adventurer had to say during it:
Sun bro, I wasn't trying to troll you. I meant what I said. There is no secret weapon or piece of armour that's going to magically make all of this easy. It's just to look good of course, like me.
But what really matters, is your skills. Your rolls need to be speedy. Your parries, precise. You need to learn the movesets of your enemies. You need intelligence and perseverence. You need to... Git gud.
Of course it's hard. We all struggle, sun bro. Every one of us. Throughout our lives, we can get knocked down and frustrated. We fail. We experience extreme loss. In order to recover and continue on our journey, we have to be focused. We have to practice, and we have to learn from our mistakes, and hey, a bit of help from a jolly cooperator never hurts either.
These things I'm saying are not new, nor are they specific to you. It is, advice as old as time itself. Passed down from generation to generation, since before the age of ancients.
So you see... "Git gud" is not some dismissive meme. Quite the contrary. It speaks to a truth at the heart of our entire lives.
It is, in fact, the best advice anyone could ever give you.