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K'illa Erakha, a.k.a "Unbound Blue", is a male Miqo'te of Seeker of the Sun clan, registered in the database on with 27841441 for ID. Had also been known under 1 other name: Killian Erhartz.
Born on 10th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon under protection of Rhalgr, the Destroyer.
Currently is resident of Gridania, The Black Shroud on Spriggan of Chaos.
Reached rank of Storm Captain in Maelstrom Grand company.
Last interview was conducted on .
This is what adventurer had to say during it:
Grew up in a Branch of the K Tribe but has since adopted another surname due to personal disagreement with the Seeker's patriarchal competitive culture focused on tribal dominance and while doesn't agree with all the Keeper's ideas he finds some such as the focus on the smaller family unit more palatable.
Indeed he does not invoke the stereotypes of a Seeker male being somewhat, reserved, well mannered, patient, humble and socially awkward, though he still reserves some aspects of his upbringing particularly his confidence his ability as a fighter/hunter and being overall more comfortable and witty when off the clock and with close friends and family though. He has a particularly dry sense of humour. Has a keen sense of initiative and is adaptable to most situations but isn't particularly book-smart and lacks much worldly knowledge compared to his Scholarly Scion comrades.
His surname's origin goes back further in his family history as to his knowledge his Grandmother was apparently a Keeper who got involved with his Grandfather but split after his Father was born.
Despite effectively leaving his tribe he maintains contact with his father.
Q1:What really drives his identity problem? A1:Not conforming to Seeker expectations of manhood prevented him from really connecting to his peers growing up despite skills as a hunter. And despite his rejection of Seeker Culture he still does aspire to that ideal because it's a lot of what he knows.
Was 15 during the Calamity, by the time he reaches 18 he leaves the tribe to explore the city states due to a desire for identity and learn more about the world. During this time he meets explores the varied cultures of the city states as well as Keeper traditions and officially decides to leave his tribe between the 2 years before ARR starts where he comes to Gridania, his interest spurred by the Adventurers Guild and the possibilities it offers him.
Scions are a found family affair for him being the first group of close friends he's ever really had, helping him not only break out of his shell but also try and connect with people in his past such as his Father who since retiring as a Nunh and just helping out his tribe with Hunting they formed a slight bond & eventually help him realise that he needs to stop trying to find other world views that will help him find his sense of purpose and instead blaze his own path and create his own world view
Q2:What would he do if he wasn't the WoL? A2:Most likely maintain continue Hunting and Adventuring helping out both his original Tribe and his cousins Tribe. Perhaps take a deeper interest in cooking which was something he wasn't given the chance to indulge in much as a child.
Technically speaking worships Rhalgr as his clan can trace itself back to Ala Mhihgan roots but is not in any way devout.