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Milo Onionbottom
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Milo Onionbottom, a.k.a "Ironeater", is a female Roegadyn of Sea Wolf clan, registered in the database on with 2874117 for ID.

Born on 1st Sun of the 2nd Astral Moon under protection of Menphina, the LoverMenphina, the Lover.

Currently is resident of Limsa LominsaLimsa Lominsa, Vylbrand on Excalibur of Primal.

Reached rank of Storm CaptainStorm Captain in Maelstrom Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Milo Onionbottom, former gunnery sergeant of the Ireful Inkfish pirate gang, knew she had a special power when one day she had a seizure and woke up to knowing the life-story of her captain's pet chigoe.

Born of the Vylbrand Onionbottoms, the family traditionally farmed onion greens on a thin stretch of flood plain along the Geliever River. These would be sent downriver on a barge and Ms. Milo has often commented on these trips as a little girl, saying she always wondered what lay beyond the river delta and the open sea.

After her years with the Inkfish, she found employment with the Maelstrom as a maurader and lancer. After being recommended to the Isgardian Dragoons and studying under some of their greatest warriors, even being named Azure Dragoon, herself, she was said to exclaim, "By Glob, this is tedious," and became a ninja, instead.

Among her other interests are cooking, Alchemy, weaving, and Nymian culture. As a culinarian, Milo can often be found lamenting the quality of her cookware and the various fashion challenges a chef faces on a daily basis. Her explorations into Nymian Culture led her to befriend a fairy named Harriet. When asked about Milo, Harriet had this to say: "She warned me to never lie to her. If I ever did, she said, it'd be the last three bravely seconds of my life."

Along with Harriet, Milo can be found exploring with her faithful red chocobo, Rocinante. Clobbering vanu (regardless of tribe) in the Sea of Clouds and ignoring crystal clusters (regardless of size) in Frontline Missions seem to be her primary occupation, though she once got lost in the Palace of the Dead for fourteen days straight. Fanciful testimony would have us believe she emerged with her own severed head in her arms and that even today it's not firmly attached to her shoulders.

When interviewed, Milo said her current goal is to secure a golf bag like Zenos had, something to store her ladles in.



Last achievements

Total points: 8525

Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage26
Blue MageBlue Mage70
Dark KnightDark Knight90
Red MageRed Mage70
White MageWhite Mage15