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Lilith Sirenia
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Lilith Sirenia, a.k.a "Unbeliever", is a female Au Ra of Xaela clan, registered in the database on with 29024677 for ID.

Born on 16th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon under protection of Thaliak, the ScholarThaliak, the Scholar.

Currently is resident of GridaniaGridania, The Black Shroud on Faerie of Aether.

Reached rank of First Storm LieutenantFirst Storm Lieutenant in Maelstrom Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Lilith doesn't remember much about her original family or tribe. It was a small tribe, living off the edges of the Sea of Blades, when a larger clan raided. They killed off any who tried to defend the tribe and dragged off the remaining members and horses as their own. Lilith had been hidden away, and because she was left behind, her parents were presumed to be among the dead. Scavengers found the destroyed yurts, and while searching for anything worthwhile, stumbled upon the silent toddler with eyes full of tears. They brought her along with them back to Reunion to sell what materials they scavenged. An older Gridanian craftsman's wife, Astri Sirenia, overheard them arguing about what to do with an extra mouth to feed and stepped in. She and her husband had been unable to bear children of their own, and when she looked and saw the toddler's mismatched eyes, she knew it was fate.
Astri and her husband, Eohric, took Lilith back to their home in North Shroud, where she grew up near Hyrstmill in Peacegarden. While Eohric was often in Gridania or traveling to sell his carpentry, Astri brought her adopted daughter with her gathering plants as a botanist. Lilith proved to be a swift learner with a keen connection to the forest and its elements. Astri often said that it was Nophica's will that brought her to Lilith. During the times when Eohric returned home, he taught Lilith the ways of woodworking and she soon filled the small hut they lived in with her creations.
As Lilith grew, Astri encouraged her to learn the ways of conjuring from the village healer, but Lilith prefered to go off on her own, spending dawn til dusk wandering the Shroud. As the years went by, however, Lilith's aging parents began to decline. One winter, Astri caught a chill. Lilith spent day and night tending to her bedside, pestering the village healer to do more for her ailing mother. When Astri passed away, Lilith was inconsolable. She blamed the healer for not doing enough and Eohric for always being away. Heartbroken, she made her way back to Othard to trace the remnants of her past to her birth family.
For years Lilith wandered Hydaelyn, hiring out as an adventurer to pay for a voyage back to the Sea of Blades to piece together her background. She was in Reunion when the Calamity occurred. Terrified for her father’s sake, she rushed home to the Black Shroud to be with the only family she knew. Eohric’s sight and strength had finally failed him, and Lilith found him living alone with help from his brother’s family. She stayed with him, caring for him through his final years and learning everything she could from the village healer to ease the pains of his age. When he passed five years after the Calamity, she sold everything they owned and left for Gridania to become a true conjurer. She always carries her parent’s wedding rings to remind herself that family are the people who love and care for you and not necessarily the ones who share your blood.


Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage53
Blue MageBlue Mage73
Dark KnightDark Knight30
Red MageRed Mage77
White MageWhite Mage100