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Dorian Grimtaker
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Dorian Grimtaker is a male Elezen of Wildwood clan, registered in the database on with 2952012 for ID.

Born on 4th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon under protection of Halone, the FuryHalone, the Fury.

Currently is resident of GridaniaGridania, The Black Shroud on Goblin of Crystal.

Reached rank of First Serpent LieutenantFirst Serpent Lieutenant in Order of the Twin Adder Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Not much is known about the half Elezen Dorian. He tends to keep to himself and does not open up often. Most of the time he can be seen ether out fighting in skirmishes against threats to a city, town or village or sitting down in a tavern or inn doing nothing in particular. He seems to have a soft spot for those who are new to combat and sometimes gives them tips on how to better their form.

His greatest known feat is when he defeated an army of sandworms along with their leader,Ulhuadshi , single handedly. He also took part and helped a coalition of guilds fight against the Seed Theocracy, a growing religious guild who sought to enslave others. During battle with this powerful guild, he managed to slay one of the ranking members known as Bishop Tumblemore in single combat, although he suffered some injuries from the mages magic.

After the coalition's victory, we spent time training to become a dragoon. This took some time, as he was considered one of the worst applicants who joined up for the training. However, through some luck, he managed to finally become a true dragoon. He helped another coalition of guilds along with some old friends in a battle against the Dusken Dulpens, a rather aggressive guild that was growing in power and sought to absorb other smaller guilds and steal their wealth and lands.

Although he was not able to help in the final battle against the Dusken forces, he was able to defeat one of their generals who was called Grilled Goose, who was also a much more skilled dragoon. Again, Dorian had luck on his side and was able to best the mighty dragoon.

Recently, he spends his time trying to become a better adventurer and to help any who take the side of order and justice against any of the forces that seek to destroy, invade or enslave the innocent people of the land. Be it tyrannical guilds, the Empire, or some other great force of chaos.


Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
White MageWhite Mage12