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Enesha Melwalx
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Enesha Melwalx, a.k.a "Goldheart", is a female Hyur of Midlander clan, registered in the database on with 29589549 for ID.

Born on 25th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon under protection of Oschon, the WandererOschon, the Wanderer.

Currently is resident of Limsa LominsaLimsa Lominsa, Vylbrand on Zodiark of Light.

Reached rank of Storm CaptainStorm Captain in Maelstrom Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

(shrugs) You never change...
Enesha reaches for the auri boy leaning on a tree, watching the sun setting at the horizon behind the mountains
(smiling) ... Do you, Nol?
(smiling) ... I guess. You knew I was here, didn’t you?
(chuckling) Let’s just say I know you enough to be able to decipher your apparently sudden disappearances. (smiling) Is anything on your mind?
Noloic thinks for some moments before finally shaking his head
Nah. I just… Like to take some time for myself.
The two stay silent for some seconds, before the hyuran girl finally speaks again, sitting down
I don’t know about you, but… (smiling) I couldn’t be happier right now: to see you and Mit again... Is like a dream coming true.
(smiling, sits beside the friend, grabbing her shoulder and bringing her closer to his) I feel the same, Ene.
You know... (sadly smiles) We... Really missed you, Nol.
The boy lowers the head, watching the ground with a serious expression
(trying to soothe Noloic) I-I know I’m repeating myself and everything, b-but I just…
(serious) I know. But... (stands up, looking at the horizon) I don’t deserve this.
(sad) Nol…
(serious) Have you forgotten everything I’ve done already?
Another awkward moment of silence, eventually broken by the boy
... I’m sorry, Ene. For everything.
(shakes head, smiling) You didn’t mean bad, Nol. You never wanted it to happen. (looks at the horizon) Everything you’ve done... You did it for us. And... (looks Noloic, smiling) I actually am happy... To know you still loved us so.
The boy sadly looks down, and Enesha notices the troubled friend. She calls for him, patting the ground, so that he sits down beside her once more, and Noloic does. The girl stands up and goes behind her friend, hugging him with a warm smile and closed eyes
We love you Nol. We’ll always be at your side, no matter what.
Noloic sheds a tear, immediately wiping it away as he stands up again, grabbing her friend’s legs while pulling her up
(surprised) O-oi! W-what are you doing?! You’re way taller now, have you forgotten?!
(smirking) It’s you who is shorter.
Enesha gently slaps his head, while the two keep laughing
(smiling) Thank you, Ene.
The girl strokes his hair with a warm smile, before Noloic turns his head to the setting sun once again, now almost completely hidden by the mountains


Last achievements

Total points: 17870

Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage100
Blue MageBlue Mage80
Dark KnightDark Knight100
Red MageRed Mage100
White MageWhite Mage100