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Anesuto Naito
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Anesuto Naito, a.k.a "Kingsglaive", is a male Hyur of Midlander clan, registered in the database on with 317560 for ID.

Born on 15th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon under protection of Rhalgr, the DestroyerRhalgr, the Destroyer.

Currently is resident of Ul'dahUl'dah, Thanalan on Balmung of Crystal.

Reached rank of Flame CaptainFlame Captain in Immortal Flames Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Character Profile:
Character Name: Anesuto Naito
Server: Balmung
Nameday: 15th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Race: Hyur Midlander
Nationality: Eorzea
Free Company: Saga
Main Role: Ninja
Occupation: Adventurer/Treasure & Monster Hunter/ Business Entrepreneur
Interests: Seeking Adventures and Treasures; Far Eastern (Doman) Culture and Food
Hobbies: Learning the Doman Culture & Language; Deciphering Ninjitsu Scrolls, Practicing Ninjitsu
Fave Food: Oriental Rice Ball, Ramen
Dislikes: Highly Difficult Missions & Tasks, Rude People

Character Personality: Anesuto is mostly a cheerful, kind and free-spirited guy even though at times his temper does show when he gets provoked. He is also a frequent observer on his surroundings and people which allows him to build up his analytical skills that is vital for a Ninja. Keen to help but is not particularly good with words, hence he does not really talk a lot or take initiative to approach people unless it is someone he is familiar or comfortable with.

Character Biography:
Escaped from the Garlean war in Doma, Anesuto’s parents fled on a ship to Limsa Lominsa whereby they had lived normal lives working in the farm on the outskirts of Limsa Lominsa. Even though both his parents have gave up being Ninjas in order to adapt to the life in Eorzea, they did taught Anesuto a few things from Doman as well as the use of daggers as a way of self defense.

Anesuto has grown into an adult 25 years later. Not wanting to live in a farm all his life, he decided to embark on an adventuring journey despite his parents' reluctance. Along his adventures, he met various friends like Jacke and Oboro who taught him Ninjitsu and piqued his interest in Doma.

What is more to come for Anesuto?

Other Interesting Facts:
Pet (Minion): Hunting Hawk named Taka - Rescued from Diadem
Chocobo: Tsubasa - His loyal Chocobo companion
Retainer 1: Mamori (Miner) - A humble, well mannered male Lalafell who serves as a good friend
Retainer 2: Hoshimi (White Mage) - A bright, cheerful and outspoken female Mi’qote who never stops talking about her ventures
Retainer 3: Anesuto-no-kage - A Shadow Clone created by Anesuto himself. Despite having the same appearance as Anesuto, he is much more aggressive and outgoing

Owned Residence/Rooms:
1: Kugane, Shirogane Ward 6 subdivision, Plot 50 - Estate Name: "Naito Onsen Teahouse"
- Served as an Onsen Teahouse for relaxation for adventurers traveling in Doma. (Currently under construction)

2: Limsa Lominsa, The Mists Ward 9, Plot 5, FC Room 12 - Estate Name: "Naito Ramen Dojo"
- A Ramen place set up in the FC company for his comrades and visitors to chill and relax.But it also comes with a complex room for his mission planning.

3: Kugane, Shirogane Ward 12 Subdivision, Apartment Room 49 - Estate Name: " A Place Called Home"
- The personal room for Anesuto to rest and relax from his work or adventures.


Last achievements

Total points: 10705

Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Black MageBlack Mage80
Blue MageBlue Mage60
Dark KnightDark Knight80
Red MageRed Mage80
White MageWhite Mage80