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Ling Langdon
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Ling Langdon is a female Roegadyn of Hellsguard clan, registered in the database on with 32033678 for ID.

Born on 12th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon under protection of Azeyma, the WardenAzeyma, the Warden.

Currently is resident of Limsa LominsaLimsa Lominsa, Vylbrand on Cactuar of Aether.

Reached rank of Storm CaptainStorm Captain in Maelstrom Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Born in Limsa Lominsa to Veretta vanad Langdon and Tadric somme Urias, both displaced from the ruined Kingdom of Dalmasca, Ling vanad Langdon is a hideous nostalgic who was raised on both old pirate stories and the history of her ethnic homeland.

Her parents were both senior officers in Dalmasca's army and survived the initial Garlean invasion of their home as they were in Ul'dah for diplomatic duties at the time. They considered returning to aid resisting elements before deciding to abstain. Their sovereigns were dead, the legions occupied their homes, and those still fighting were gassing out. They were offered sanctuary by the Eorzean Alliance and worked hard to fend off a similar occurrence for their adopted home. The family was spared the usual pains of resettling as new immigrants due to Veretta and Tadric accepting state careers in Limsa Lominsa.

Ling is the product of professional military parents through and through; a polymath, multiskilled, expertly trained, and self-disciplined. Joining The Maelstrom was never a doubt, though growing up with some of Limsa's smuggling families have coloured her mannerisms. Alert, wary, and intensely observant are some common adjectives, but also honest, dependable, and unflappable, with a steel spine of integrity. Briskly promoted upon graduating from officer candidate training, she serves Eorzea loyally.

As a warfare officer, her core mandate is to plan and execute offensive and defensive operations against any adversary, and she regularly joins her units in the field and leads by example. Her teal eyes are all business, a deep tan from working under the sun, and her solid physique a statement of intent.

Ling isn't afraid to take her chances and take her licks, always suiting up for another day, and no coffee or tea is necessary to get her out of bed. Through sheer force of will does she open her eyes, crawl from under the covers, and face down the unyielding world with a glint in her eye and her immaculate axe on her back.

She has seen almost a decade of combat, and has journeyed far and wide to oversee Eorzean operations at home and abroad. The utter lack of maternal instincts guarantees that she can continue to perform her duties unimpeded, living as free as she likes, but still always returns to her friends and family when able. Just the way she likes it.

When she does get the chance for a break, her little mixed-use house, The Lingbrary in Mist P52/W13, is her pillow of comfort. As much as she loves the seas of solitude, there's nothing more satisfying than the pleasant chatter of visitors amid the smell of books, hot drinks, and baked goods. Open 24/7.

One day, she'd like to open a shop in her ethnic home of Dalmasca rebuilt, right in Rabanastre.

Ling vanad Langdon, CV, OM, COE, CMM, CVO, OLL, SMV, SC, MSC, MMV, MB, MSM
Acting High Storm Commander (N) of The Maelstrom
Naval Warfare Officer
Tactical Combat Operations Command

Ready, aye, ready.


Last achievements

Total points: 9390

Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Red MageRed Mage100
White MageWhite Mage98