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Grea Ittetsu
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Grea Ittetsu, a.k.a "Rafflesia Reaper", is a female Au Ra of Xaela clan, registered in the database on with 32736558 for ID.

Born on 12th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon under protection of Nymeia, the SpinnerNymeia, the Spinner.

Currently is resident of Limsa LominsaLimsa Lominsa, Vylbrand on Kraken of Dynamis. Has also been seen on Halicarnassus of Dynamis, and Exodus of Primal.

Reached rank of Second Flame LieutenantSecond Flame Lieutenant in Immortal Flames Grand company.

Last interview was conducted on . This is what adventurer had to say during it:

Princess of house Ittetsu, The scholarly bookworm of house ittesu with a passion for fashion a collector of minions and a love of all things magic and tech.

Danceing between scholar and summoner Grea made her way to eorzea after house ittetsu fell in search of new beginings and oppertunity in hopes to rebuild there clan she quickly adjusted to her new home in limsa it wasnt till after fighting Gaius and makeing her way to ishgard were she found the machinist facinated by there guns and technology she couldnt help but dive right in technology facinated her just as magic once did it wasnt until she heared of Sage useing something similar to a gun which peaked her curiocity that she decided to seek him out he soon taught her many things wasshe couldnt help but he impressed with there being higher learning beyond her scholarly learning soon after she lost many close to her and took up the sheild to protect them she became there sheild maiden there sworn protector useing her skills and knowlege her tools and magic ability to protect all around her so she doesnt have to lose anyone ever agian

Whatever the future holds Grea primary goal is rebuilding her clan protecting those she holds dear and finding them a new home alongside her family and freinds

What she lacks in strength she more than makes up for in power of intellect, style, skill, and high affinity to magic and a strong desore to help and protect all

Shes not one to take lightly as when she puts her mind to something she can do anything


Job affinities

JobLevelLast change
Blue MageBlue Mage21
Dark KnightDark Knight62
Red MageRed Mage75
White MageWhite Mage33