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Esmont Blanetoire, a.k.a "The Ultimate Legend", is a male Elezen of Wildwood clan, registered in the database on with 33621685 for ID.
Born on 14th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon under protection of Thaliak, the Scholar.
Currently is resident of Gridania, The Black Shroud on Malboro of Crystal.
Reached rank of Serpent Captain in Order of the Twin Adder Grand company.
Last interview was conducted on .
This is what adventurer had to say during it:
Main Class: White Mage (WHM) Secondary Classes: Red Mage (RDM), Bard (BRD), Dark Knight (DRK)
This is a RP character! If you see me out in the wilds, feel free to interact! -
Born somewhere in the Twelveswood (he assumes), Esmont Blanetoire's origins are a mystery to all, including himself. Seven years ago, he woke up in what would become his Grandmama's home, covered in wounds and lacking a single memory to his name. Confused and disoriented, he spent the next few months regaining his bearings, though unfortunately his mind would remain broken. To this day, the most he's able to recall from the before times are flashes: pain, fear, the glint of sunlight across metal, and the sensation of blood on his fingertips. A girl's face haunts his nightmares, begging for help he doesn't know how to give. Having realised looking backwards would bring him nothing good, the Elezen decided to dedicate himself to a new life, learning the ways of botany and conjury from the caring old lady who'd nursed him back to health.
Lacking a name, he was gifted the name 'Esmont', for use until he remembered his eventuality that seemed less likely with every year that passed. His surname was equally as borrowed, taken from his new 'Grandmama' and her husband, though he considers them as close as family, so perhaps it isn't so strange.
Travelling to Gridania, the Elezen spent a while training at the conjury guild there, before beginning to travel around Eorzea as a combat medic, working alongside soldiers from the other Grand Companies in order to keep the peace. During this time, he was honoured to meet a Lalafel Thaumaturge, who became the Conjurer's best friend. Unfortunately, these things cannot last, and during the attack on Baelsar's Wall, Esmont lost his friend, and his confidence in his healing in one fell swoop.
Currently, the Conjurer is taking time for himself, slowly regaining his confidence while learning the ways of archery and various crafting methods.